Upon awakening a few nights ago, I heard the words,
I remembered singing this song when I was young, as well as the hand movements that went with it. I hadn't song it for years and years, but I still remembered it:
"The Lord is mine and I am His,
His banner over me is love.
He brought me to His banqueting table, His banner over me is love.
He lifted me up into heavenly places, His banner over me is love.
He is the vine and we are the branches, His banner over me is love.!
Jesus is the rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love.!
There's one way to peace through the power of the cross, His banner over me is love"
I decided to look up "His banner over me is love" in the Bible, not knowing where or if it was in Scripture. I got really excited when I found it in the the 2nd chapter of the Songs of Solomon, because I knew that this chapter, in particular, was an allegory of the rapture!!!
In verse 2 it says,
"Let him lead me to the banquet hall, and let his banner over me be love."
When I saw the word banquet hall, I immediately thought of the 'supper of the LAMB' that happens after the rapture and 'marriage' of the BRIDE OF CHRIST.
"Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he said to me, “These are the true sayings of God.” Revelation 19:9
I once had a dream of this banquet hall, as many others have as well. I remember seeing a long, long table inside of what looked like a castle. The table was exquisitely set for a feast---it was ready for the banquet of love with our LORD and SAVIOR!
Brothers and sisters, the LORD is getting us ready for this great event!! Through HIS banner of love, He is preparing HIS own for the marriage of the BRIDE OF CHRIST. Let's keep our oil lamps full and remember how much HE loves us, as we wait for HIS glorious coming in the clouds!!!