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two prophetic warning dreams: war & a whirlwind in the south

Writer: ElizabethElizabeth

Updated: Nov 4, 2018

On October 29th, 2018, I received two prophetic warning dreams that I believe are related to each other. I believe that the LORD gave me these dreams to sound the warning, so HIS people can discern and then pray for mercy.

Then on October 31st, 2018, I received a message (below) that the LORD DOES hear the prayers of HIS children.....those who have taken on HIS righteousness and walk in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT!


In the first dream, I was standing somewhere in the south eastern United States with a bunch a people. We were standing outside, huddled together, and scared for we had heard a report that a nuke was coming our way. It was coming from the south, but not from the U.S. I KNEW THAT IS WAS IMMINENT (in the dream)....though I didn't know the timing.

We waited what seemed like all day......but nothing happened. Nighttime fell and we were getting tired of waiting, so we went to sleep. While sleeping (in my dream), I knew that something very terrible was about to happen and wasn't able to sleep.

However, morning came, I awoke, and saw that everything was just as it had been the day before.....perfectly normal. At that point, just as I was starting to feel relieved, and the fear starting dissipating, I got a vision within the dream.

In the vision, I saw an outline of the United States. I then saw the map zoom in to the south part of the U.S......around Texas. I saw a whirlwind of lightening, fireballs and what looked like fireworks shooting from the Texas area. The streams of fire were shooting out and spreading to many other states around.

I then KNEW in my spirit that this whirlwind of fire, fireballs and lightening had to come BEFORE nuke..... I knew, in the dream, that once this 'whirlwind' disaster from the southern states happened, QUICKLY AFTER, a nuke would come.


(Please use your own discernment and seek confirmation on this warning dream.)

In the second dream, that I received right after the one above, I was driving on a major highway towards Florida. It felt like it was near the coastline. I remember that I wanted to stop at one of the local fruit/veggie stands, because I was hungry and wanted to get something to eat.

I starting seeing large fruit stands on the left side of the road, but I noticed that they were all closed with tarps covering their stands. I kept going past one after the other, and they were all closed. I was wondering why they were not open, as it was not a holiday or weekend. I passed at least 5 or 6, until I found a couple that were open. However, I did not stop at the open ones, because they were packed with crowds of people and there was nowhere to park. So, I kept on going, only to pass many more closed fruit/veggies stands.




"A prophecy against the Desert by the Sea: Like whirlwinds sweeping through the southland, an invader comes from the desert, from a land of terror. " Isaiah. 21:1

I believe that the LORD is giving warnings about what could be coming, if HIS people do not pray. Some kind of major disaster will occur first, before a nuke hits our land. This 'disaster,' whether man-made or weather-related, will take place in the lower south of the United States.

Of course, my first thought is that it has to do with the caravan and the illegal immigration situation that is growing trying to divide the land. Though I am not sure that this is what the 'whirlwind' of fire represented, it seems like a definite possibility. Civil unrest will come to weaken our country, so that once we are are weakened, we will be an easy target for enemies to bring war (nukes) onto our soil.

The second dream is about the consequences to the civil unrest and the eventual war that is coming. It will bring a famine, where crops cannot grow because the soil is contaminated from nuclear fall-out. That is why, in the dream, the fruit and veggie stands were closed, and the ones that were open, were so crowded because the food will be scarce.


In this message, the LORD says that HE is listening to the prayers of HIS, brothers and sisters, pray for the evil and darkness have has come to be pushed back in the NAME OF JESUS! Let us continue to humble ourselves, repent, seek HIS face, and pray for HIS mercy!

I received this encouraging message, for 'such a time as this' on October 31, 2018:

"People are praying and I am listening. The prayers of the righteous are being heard at this hour. I will move on their behalf, as they cry out to ME. MY arm is not to short to undo the deeds of the enemy. I will right the wrongs and turn darkness back into the day. Watch and look for MY hand upon the land, for I am there in the presence of MY servants.

My hand is upon MY sanctified ones,.....they will shine for ME and lead many back into MY fold. MY purpose of the judgments is to awake those who are sleep-walking through life. Their heads will no longer be in the sand, as they see their lives come tumbling down. It is through judgment that they will seek righteousness.

Watch My children and see what I will do. Look for MY ways to be established.....for MY KINGDOM will come here on earth.

Your loving SAVIOR,



"For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil. " 1 Peter 3:12

"... The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16

"...When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness."

Isaiah 26:3

"A prophecy against the Desert by the Sea: Like whirlwinds sweeping through the southland, an invader comes from the desert, from a land of terror. " Isaiah. 21:1





Nov 04, 2018

Ooops. Correction. It wasn't my sister who had the vision, it was her prayer partner and friend who moved.


Nov 04, 2018

The Texas dream struck me as an EMP. My sister who lives in Texas had a vision of planes falling out of the sky over Plano (suburb of Dallas where the planes fly in and out over DFW), so her friend and her friend's husband moved and bought a house in a different suburb. At any one time during the day, there are 4 to 8 planes ascending or descending over Plano. The vision was of Plano ablaze. (I wish my sister would move - she still lives in Plano.

The Nuke dream IMMEDIATELY brought into my mind out of nowehere, Venezuela. Please take this all with salt and pray. God Bless. Alan

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