On the 7/20/24, I head the LORD speak to me just before going to bed. I heard:
The answer is that NOT one person, nor any political solution, or policies will ever bring America back from the PRECIPICE that she is now on. There is now, and always have been, ONLY ONE solution...... 2 Chronicles 7:13-15:
"When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people,
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place."
This solution of REPENTANCE is the ONE THING that will turn a country around. However, even the Church, in this late hour, is looking for a 'physical solution for a spiritual problem.' Not only will this not work, but this will compound the already grave problem that is upon the land.
The majority of the church has gone ‘down to Egypt' (the world), for their help, instead of heeding the call from the LORD to HUMBLE THEMSELVES, PRAY, REPENT, and SEEK HIS FACE. Again, this, ALONE, is the only solution!
"People will answer, ‘Because they have forsaken the LORD, the God of their ancestors, who brought them out of Egypt, and have embraced other gods, worshiping and serving them—that is why he brought all this disaster on them.’
2 Chronicles 7:22
On 7/21/24, a couple of us were seeking the LORD, on behalf of the Church…..sensing, once again, a GREAT DECEPTION that is lurking. It grieved us, as we don’t want to see our brothers and sisters being mislead down a dangerous path. We saw a TRAP that was being set….both physically, and in the spirit realm as well. We saw a spirit of Babylon, that had come upon the church, to blind, misguide, and deceive many. It is a spirit that has infested many, many churches, as the leaders lead their flock into the clutches of the enemy.
While we were crying out to GOD, the LORD sent out A SIGN! From a peaceful night sky, there come 3 LOUD THUNDERBOLTS that shook my house.....one at a time! It shook us to the core….and we knew that the LORD had heard our cries, and had responded! It was a very CLEAR SIGN that HE is DISPLEASED with HIS church at this hour….as HE sees the WEB OF DECEPTION that is now surrounding her!
I believe that the message is CLEAR:
The CHURCH is in ERROR, and needs to REPENT!
Instead of FIXING AMERICA…..it is time to FIX THE CHURCH FIRST!!!
For America cannot be FIXED, without the BLESSINGS Of GOD to come upon it. The BLESSINGS OF GOD cannot come without true REPENTANCE..... and that comes only through a humble and a contrite heart. All other remedies will, and are failing!
The Church has forgotten that the TRUE WAR is in the spiritual realm, not in this physical kingdom called America! The BATTLE is in the SPIRIT!
Oh, how the Christian leaders, and shepherds have missed the mark! As Secular America chooses to worship at the feet of Baal, and the Christians chose to seek solutions from others, instead at the feet of the ALMIGHTY GOD.
History is now repeating itself…..however, the consequences will be FAR WORSE!
This is why I am in despair, and anguishing for my deceived brothers and sisters……for the IMPACT that is coming will be deadly, and many will lose their faith in the LORD.....for, make no mistake about it, PERSECUTION IS COMING.....and many WILL fall away!
It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry GOD! America has not learned her lesson, therefore the judgments will fall now even greater!
MESSAGE the day after the THUNDERBOLTS: (7/22/24)
‘Have you forgotten from where you were hewn? Have you strayed so far from ME that I am no longer the answer??
DO you trust in man so much??
Have I not said to trust in NO MAN, but to trust in ME?
Once again, MY people have fallen into the snare, and the trap that has been set by My adversary. They have looked for a political solution to solve a spiritual problem! And, once again, their endeavors, and desires will dashed upon the ROCK, and broken up into many pieces.
The damage that was once done, will now become even greater…..all because there was no CRY among my people for REPENTANCE, and a humbling of themselves before ME!
In your pride and arrogance, I will shower MY discipline upon you.
For MY people are a STIFF NECKED, STUBBORN, and commit adultery in the SPIRIT. Many are now joining forces with the CHURCH OF BABYLON, that aligns them with the universal religion, that states that all paths that lead to GOD.
For MY people, this is prostituting, as there is only ONE WAY to GOD, though MY sacrifice on the cross. Mystery Babylon, once held a golden cup in her hand of blessings, but now, they share, that once full cup, with those who do not believe in MY NAME alone.
Babylon, o Babylon, you will fall, and many in MY church will fall with you. You have deceived the masses, and I see all your ways! I see your TENTACLE ARMS reaching deep inside MY CHURCH, pulling out those who are weak in faith, and spiritually blinded.
However, I will raise up many that will come out of BABYLON, and they will proclaim MY truth, and give clarity to MY true ways.
Soon there will be voices rising up, that are even greater than Babylon….these will be MY WATCHMEN, MY PROPHETS, and MY SERVANTS, who will drown out all the voices of Mystery Babylon.
WOE TO THE FALSE TEACHERS.... that proclaim a thing that is not from ME:
Repent….or you will be stripped of your mantle!
The MANIFESTING of the SONS of GOD will commence, as I put MY true anointing and mantle upon them to preach for such a time as this! In MY church all that is not for ME, will now burn with double fire! The impurities will be removed, and MY CHOSEN ones will then SHINE like the noonday sun!"
I waited, then heard this:
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
Wow, that is an awesome message! One thing worth noting, is in a world where people aren't putting their trust in God, where are they putting it? I think many put their faith in "Science", which actually means higher up institutions - Harvard, NASA, Fauci, Etc. Which is unfortunate because almost all of these institutions have fallen under the control of the enemy. Others have put their faith in celebrities. Unfortunately, most of these people (especially the politicians), promise much more than they are even capable of delivering. God doesn't want us deceived by agents of Satan, nor does he want us to follow the blind.