Message received while praying on August 3rd, 2020:
"You must hold on a little longer and endure to the end. All things work for good for those who love Christ JESUS. (Romans 8:28) I have a plan for your life....do you not see it? (Jeremiah 29:11) If not, pray so it may become clearer to you. These trials have come to make you stronger so you can fight and make a stand when the day comes.
MY people are weak and not prepared for these last days. I will fortify them and make them strong soldiers in MY army. They will rise up at MY command, and pull down principalities, and cast out evil wickedness from among them.
Many will be trained to cast out demons, heal the sick and baptize. Others will be called to intercede for the saints. Others will preach and evangelize. Some will prophesy..... others teach.
Let a new church arise now. Let it start in your heart and then spread to others. Let the fires of revival spread far and near.
Call a solemn assembly to come forth. First with your family, then your community. Meet in your homes like what was first done in the early days. Let prayer and praise reign supreme in these meetings.
Remember where two or more are gathered, I will be there! There is MY power present when MY body gathers together! (Ephesians 1:19)
I am calling forth MY people to regroup and reorganize. What the enemy has meant for harm, I will bring good out of it. (Genesis 50:20)
Come MY beloveds, and let us unite and be as one, (Ephesians 4:1-6)
You were made for such a time as this, (Esther 4:14)
Your commander and chief,
I waited and then asked the LORD if there anything else and I heard this:
–let MY people rise up and take a stand for ME
–learn from ME, for I am pure of heart and able to quiet the storm
–It is time to get the new HOUSES OF PRAYER started
Joel 1:4
"Consecrate a fast;
call a solemn assembly.
Gather the elders
and all the inhabitants of the land
to the house of the Lord your God,
and cry out to the Lord."
I highly recommend this video series about the institutional church vs. the home church. There is some great information on how to start your own house church:
NOTES from the 6 Part House Church Series:
Pattern of N. T. Church:
NO leader, just mature believers in CHRIST that were advisors
moral authority, not positional authority
decisions made by the collective group
met in houses
small groups
lots of little 'churches'
everyone in group shared at meetings, just not one person
open for the participation for the spontaneous movement of the HOLY SPIRIT
ate meals together including the LORD's SUPPER every time they met
supported the personal 'temple' of a believer, instead of of supporting a physical temple (building)
worshiped in SPIRIT and TRUTH
sought the revelation and wisdom of the HOLY SPIRIT
though the church was simple, it focused on experiencing the manifest presence of JESUS
SAFE HAVEN COMMUNITY FORUM: https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/safehavenforum/forum/connect-with-one-another
[picture credit: pixabay.com]
Please pray for me and my family thanks so much AFSHIN MOHI tonymohi08@gmail.com
Check out The Last Reformation, ministry of Torben Sondergaard. Many people are hearing the true gospel, experiencing true repentance, and getting baptized, filled with the Holy Spirit, and set free from demons, and healed. The Pioneer School videos are all on Youtube, and are anointed and inspiring. Torben teaches not only how to have a house church, but how to make true disciples of Jesus Christ, To truly experience the life shown in the book of Acts.