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URGENT: The Destruction of America // Only a Sliver of Hope Left!

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

On 10/13/21, I was woken up to this WARNING MESSAGE. It is one of the most SERIOUS ones I have received to date....PLEASE TAKE HEED!!

FIRST, I heard these rhema words:

  • "War Cry" (Spiritual)

  • "Last Final Stand"

  • "Showdown"

  • "One Last Chance"

  • "One Final Chance"

  • "Attempt to get it right"


I believe the LORD is WAITING for HIS PEOPLE to CALL DOWN FROM HEAVEN a REPENTANCE REVIVAL that will turn things around in the U.S.A. So far, we, the Church, have messed up, and have not been the SALT and LIGHT that was needed to hold back the darkness. Instead, on our 'watch,' we have allowed the enemy to take over the land, the churches, the schools, government and families.

What is needed now? SINCERE, HOLY SPIRIT PRAYERS that will turn things around. Only a miracle from heaven, will be able to stop the destruction that is coming. This destruction is JUDGMENT that the LORD will allow!

Remember Nineveh? It, too, was a very wicked city that was doomed to destruction because of their sin against the LORD. HOWEVER, only 40 days before their destruction fell, THEY REPENTED. The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, in HIS great compassion and long-suffering, STOPPED THE JUDGEMENT that they so rightly deserved. (Job 3:4-10)

Brothers and Sisters, WE are at the SAME POINT IN TIME as will soon be the last hour for America! I believe that the LORD is giving the church, HIS people, one more chance to set things straight...... but sadly, no one seems to be paying any heed to the warnings.

The church has NOT grasped the concept that JUDGMENT is at the door because we did not do our jobs before the LORD. We let the 'ball,' down spiritually, and now the principalities of darkness are pressing in and taking over. Judgment always starts at the HOUSE OF GOD.....(1 Peter 4:17)

While praying about the message below, I heard this:

IGNITE a SPARK of HOLY SPIRIT FIRE by PRAYING AND FASTING for repentance to sweep the land.


"The stage is set for the FINAL BATTLE......GOOD vs. EVIL!

The decision has not been made....

The verdict has not been rendered....

It weighs in the balances....

Tip the scale with fasting, prayers, petition and wailing!

This is a call for all Saints whose eyes are WIDE OPEN.


It lies in the hands of the praying church.


(Then I had a vision: I saw the STATUE OF LIBERTY come alive. She grabbed her throat with her hands, and started gasping and coughing violently. She then started to fall to the ground.)

AMERICA, your destiny is lost.....for you have lost your way! Only a REMNANT can bring you back to your former self.... the prayers of MY Saints are powerful, when they pray in the SPIRIT!




I am patient and long-suffing, not wanting anyone to suffer, but America has tried MY patience! Therefore she will be thrust upon a BED OF SUFFERING. (Revelation 2:20-23)

She has become JEZEBEL, and has sold her sorcery to the world. (Revelation 18:23)

I will now come and render JUSTICE, where there is NO JUSTICE!

PEACE to where there is NO PEACE!

I will cleanse the land with FIRE and WATER. I will wash away the sins of impurities.

A MIGHTY FLOOD will come, and FIRE will fall from the sky, IF I DO NOT HEAR THE CRIES OF MY PEOPLE!!!

If they are SILENT, it will be deafening to MY ears! The silence will NOT BE GOLDEN, but it will be THE SIGN THAT IS NEED TO COMMENCE WITH THE DESTRUCTION PLANNED!

Then I heard this verse:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

ONCE AGAIN, I will say:



BLOW THE SHOFAR, as war descends from heaven!




WAIL, MOURN, CRY......for your days are numbered!

[There was then a pause, and I asked the LORD was there anything else??

I then heard:]


This message is NOT to be taken lightly! Do not just 'look in a mirror,' then walk away. Do not just listen and pay no heed! FOR ONCE YOU HEAR THIS MESSAGE YOU ARE THEN ACCOUNTABLE TO ME!

Do NOT look to one another for help! Do not follow another for help! Look only to ME, and drink only from MY well....MY cistern.

I will battle America as a whole nation, and then I will come and battle against those individuals who are full of death already! They will die a SECOND DEATH IF THEY DO NOT REPENT! (However), all who come to ME, I will in no way cast out! (John 6:37)

[2nd vision: I saw Belshazzar's banquet, and a hand that was writing on a wall] (Daniel 5:24-28)

Think Belshazzar!

THE HANDWRITING IS ON THE WALL .....and America, you have been found wanting!!


REPENT FOR YOUR COUNTRY, and on BEHALF of your country!

REPENT FOR YOUR LEADERS that have gone astray!

AGAIN, I say REPENT, and fall down on your knees this very moment....... for it is your (America's) only HOPE!


"Why are MY people NOT praying?? Do they think I will forgive without repentance?"


  1. FAST! Give up something meaningful to you.

  2. Crucify your flesh!

  3. STAND IN THE GAP for your nation NOW!"

"And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand." Revelation 8:4

[picture credit:]



Oct 25, 2021

America's fate is sealed. The Lord would be referring to individual Christians in the U.S. and their own salvation, for they were called to true living sacrifice and holinesss, but mouthed off to the prophets.


Inventor Sale
Inventor Sale
Oct 17, 2021

If consider message video said "If they are silent it will be DEAFENING to my ears" "I the Lord God will be DEAF not hear your prayers to not destroy this nation USA babylon" Prophet God said, so Marie message addresses Church, Prophet God saith DEAF to prayers not destroy this nation USA babylon nation is not Church. Message video also tells of a vision of former President Don Trump on TV speaking of dire doom imminent. 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐔𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟓 video shows former President Don Trump telling people "We've been talking about this boiling point for awhile". On one hand of God hears not DEAF to prayers for revival repentance, On the…


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Thus Declares The Lord Against the Nation Once Called of Itself “Under God”

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Thus says The Lord: I AM AGAINST YOU! Behold, I have set My face against you for harm and not for good! For you have…


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Oct 16, 2021

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