I had 2 PROPHETIC dreams, that I would like to share, about America, that relate to each other, and are quite sobering.
The dreams that the LORD gives me are almost always symbolic, and often like parables or riddles. It is then that the HOLY SPIRIT that gives me the interpretation, and further understanding of what the LORD is trying to show me. It usually is a 'piece of a bigger puzzle'....for we see in part, and prophecy in part!
"For we know in part and we prophesy in part." 1 Corinthians 13:9
"For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12
Please seek the LORD, for further understanding, because we live in a time that I cannot completely spell out everything.....so people will have to 'read between the lines' in order to understand clearly, and fully!
In this dream, I was holding a BABY, with one arm, while working in a large convention- type office. There was a lot to get done, and everyone was very busy running around with their specific tasks. I even saw, from a distance, the former 'prez,' who was also working hard.
The BABY, that I was holding on my side hip, was being very quiet, and good, while I worked with only one hand. I was very impressed with his/her good behavior, and he wasn’t, in any way, a burden to me while I worked. I was not the mother of this baby.....but seemed to be one of his/her 'care-takers.'
Suddenly, the scene changed…..as a woman burst through the doors, and then '
bee-lined' right towards me. She looked angry, and very much in a hurry. As she ripped the baby out of my arms, saying that it was hers. Since I did not know who the real mother was, I did not say anything. However, I did feel that this woman was very wicked, for she carried with her an evil presence!
The whole office stood still, and there was complete shock in the room, as she came to rip the baby away from my arms. She then left, just as quickly as she came…..and we just all stood there dumbfounded at what had just happened. Then an EXTREME sorrow, and sadness came over me that the BABY was gone!
When I woke up, I heard:
I heard, in my spirit, that the BABY represented AMERICA. I asked the LORD, why would America be represented by a baby? And I heard because she is still considered an ‘infant’ in the western world. After having the second dream (below), I now, also understand that this BABY represents AMERICA in her YOUNGER YEARS!
The woman could be symbolic….’or it could be literal…considering the most recent developments in the news.
The warning is that AMERICA, which has been stolen, is now being RANSACKED! 'Ransacked' means:
to plunder!
to pillage!
to be raided!
Please, seek the LORD for further understand…..and PRAY for the “BABY!”
I believe that I received this dream as a confirmation of the interpretation of the dream above.....that, indeed, the BABY does represent AMERICA!
In this dream, I was, once again, taking care of a baby, though it was not mine. I wanted to get her completely ready to take back to her mom, who was one of my relatives, in real life, but is now deceased. This relative was named DOROTHY, and I knew that she was waiting, patiently, for me to bring her baby back to her. However, first, I wanted to give the BABY extra attention, and get it ready to give back to her mom. So I changed her diapers, gave her bath, let her nap for a bit, then feed her. When everything was done, I then ready to take her back to her mom, DOROTHY.
When I woke up, I immediately heard:
I then remembered that my relative, Dorothy, who has passed, had been a member of the DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, or DAR. DAR is an organization, that started 125 years ago, of women who can trace their history back to the American Revolution. They 'honor their heritage as well as make a difference in their communities across the country and the world.' [1]
I then looked up the name 'DOROTHY,' which means 'GIFT OF GOD.'
This dream is confirmation of the above dream.....in that the BABY represents AMERICA in her 'youth,' when she was a GIFT OF GOD that the LORD gave to the Founding Fathers, and people.
America is in a battle for her life!
Only effective prayer, from the saints of GOD, will change things!
"So shall they fear
The name of the LORD from the west,
And His glory from the rising of the sun;
When the enemy comes in like a flood,
The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him."
Isaiah 59:19
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]