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URGENT WARNING: "America Has Fallen"

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

On June 8th, 2020, while awakening in the morning, I heard these words:


This is a warning of what is to come!

I then received two confirmations of this 'word.' The first being a message I had received the day before. The second being the LORD showing me Isaiah 3.

MESSAGE (received on June 7th, 2020):

"I am a jealous GOD and because I AM CREATOR of the heaven and earth, I loath when I see that others are place before ME. (Deuteronomy 5:9)

Their misguided ways are a testament to how they have been deceived. Pray that they will repent before it is too late. There is still a window opportunity to repent, but most will not see it.

This is a final call, as the world follows another. They have made their choice and I will now hand out the consequences.

Those who do not submit to the beast system will be welcome into MY KINGDOM.

Worship ME alone KING OF KINGS and LORD of LORDS! There is no other!

Rejoice if your understand this truth for you are part of MY Remnant.

The time has come to separate the sheep from the goats. Those who are found serving another will be separated from ME forever...... FOREVER is a very long is eternity without end!

O Foolish ones (those who have been deceived), I grieve when I see the deception that has fallen. The door has been opened, and the enemy gladly has come and taken over the souls.

We are nearing the end, though most do not believe. Set yourself up for receiving MY blessings, if you remain in ME and worship ME only.

The day has come when the whole world had gone mad! They have "drunken of the kool-aid" and they will die.

However, I have saved for MYSELF a remnant, whom I rejoice in!

I will be with you in the fires and will rescue to into MY KINGDOM

Remain faithful to ME only,


I waited and asked the LORD if there was anything else, and I heard:

"Prophecy is being fulfilled now. Only those who have studied it will truly know what to look for in the upcoming hours, days and months.

I grieve with an everlasting sorrow to see these people being deceived and led down the path of eternal destruction. This is what will happen if they do not repent."

PLEASE READ ISAIAH 3 because it is a foreshadow of what is happening now in AMERICA!







[picture credit:]



Reflection Reflection
Reflection Reflection
Jun 18, 2020

I AM THE LORD….From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear.

Thus says The Lord: It is written, My people shall prophesy, dream dreams, and see visions. Therefore go out, O men of promise, and blow the trumpet; fulfill the will of The Most High God. Triumph, O sons of Salvation, for The Lord is with you... In a loud voice, with the trumpet call of God, go out and speak; yea, shout to the masses! For The Word of God is holy, and the word of My mouth true! For I have indeed come, and shall return, and behold I am coming quickly, to lift…


Reflection Reflection
Reflection Reflection
Jun 18, 2020

A Perverse Nation….United States of America...From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear. Question asked of The Lord:  Is the USA still a “God-fearing” nation? [The Lord answered] Many yet fear Me, even the wicked deep within, yet just a very few have any love for God in their hearts, says The Lord. For this nation is most perverse; even in their fear of The Lord is their perversion of My image clearly seen. Thus I tell you, I have spit them out already. Behold, even the earth shall vomit them out, for they have greatly defiled the land... A multitude of dry branches broken off, which shall…


Seoung eop Chung
Jun 11, 2020

Brothers and Sisters.

The prophetic words of many prophets and messengers say that Obama is the A n t i c h r i s t. And the Bible says to run away from there.

In particular, if God has not directed you, you are encouraged to leave Babylon if you can.

Another way is that you should pray in Jesus Christ from now on until the day comes.

Living and dying and rising and falling are only in the hands of God.

Ask God for great faith.

The great delusion is a difficult test.

Be wary of Obama's lips, the great delusion lies on his lips.

Obama appears after Trump.

Already he is ready.

All the words of this…


Jun 10, 2020

wilson.atx I didn't mean flee America (Babylon) physically, but don't be found supporting a corrupt religion in partnership with a corrupt political leader. In fact, I believe the mark of the beast (Roman like power) is exactly that.


Jun 10, 2020

Homechristian and to all, pray for President Trump and our country. God put him in office for a reason. The real poison happened under Obama for 8 long years. We did nothing. Now the consequences.

Rebuke evil around you, we have authority.

Yes, stay close to Christ and listen to His instructions not man. God will tell us what to do. Stay away from denominational doctrines. Test the spirits when you receive any revelations.

Love one another and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the world. And of course, keep praying for the lukewarm, compromising and deceived Christians here so that the veil from their eyes be removed to see the truth and be led to repentance.


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