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warning dream & message: spying technology advancing

Writer: ElizabethElizabeth


In this prophetic dream, I was only a spectator, like watching a TV show. I saw this immense, out of this world, penthouse condo that was higher than any sky-scraper that I had ever seen. The room that I saw was immense, and the walls to the outside were made of glass, so you could see out over what seemed to be the whole the earth. The ceilings to this room were about 20 feet tall, so it almost felt like one was suspended in the air.

While examining this room more closely, I noticed that it was completely empty except for two, large, strange contraptions that were sitting on the floor. They were about 3 to 4 feet high, and both were different in shape. I could not tell what they were, as I had never seen anything like them before.

In this dream, while I was looking at these two devices, I immediately remembered a previous dream vision that I had a few years ago. In this vision I had seen what I knew to be the 'throne of GOD.' It was a seat that was made with this very a special stone that was sapphire in color. It was a material that I had never seen here on this earth. So, when I looked at these two contraptions, I noticed that they resembled the same material substance of the throne of GOD. In Ezekiel 10:1, it records that the throne of GOD is made of 'a sapphire stone.'

Suddenly, I started hearing people's voices. There appeared a family that had entered the room. Somehow I knew that they were a ROYAL, foreign family that were very important. There was a father, a mother and two children -- a boy and girl.

I heard their conversation, as the dad was explaining to his kids what the two contraptions in the empty room were for. He told them to go and look through them out into the world, through the window. When they went and did that, they squealed with delight, as they could see throughout the whole world. Now I knew that these contraptions were like super-sonic telescopes or view finders.

Then, the little girl made a comment of how she could see past the ocean to the other side of the world and how she actually saw people on a walking on a beach. Both children were mesmerized with this new 'toy' that was given to them to spy on the inhabitants of the earth.

The scene then changed, and I saw the room grow larger and expand. From the left of the room I saw another family enter in. I knew they were American, though I did not recognize them. They did not seem like royalty and seemed smaller in statue and influence than the ROYAL family.

The American family seemed to be very humbled and in awe to be meeting up with the ROYAL'S. I could tell that they thought it was a real privilege to be there. The Americans then approached them and extended their hand in friendship. Together the two families shook hands and came into some agreement together. It was then that I woke up. END OF DREAM


I believe that the penthouse condo represents the high places of satan/baal. The Royal parents represents the antichrist governmental system, and the children, in the dream, are his followers/slaves that are spying on the world with advanced, possibly nephilim technology.

The contraptions on the floor represented all the spying devices that satan and his minions are now using to try to make themselves like the ALL KNOWiNG like GOD.

The substance material that the contraptions were made of, represents how satan wants to sit on the THRONE of GOD, for he longs to be GOD. These spying devices, are not only part of the One World New Order, but they are the instruments that satan is using to artificially know everything about everyone. He is setting up this 'web,' for one of his sole purposes.....he wants to be omnipotent and omniscience like GOD, so he can deceive millions into going to hell for all eternity.

Think about it for a minute.....the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY knows all things, all people, all events, all the time. He doesn't have to use any artificial devices to do this because it is part of HIS nature and attributes! We can trust the LORD ALMIGHTY with all this knowledge because HE is a good, compassion and loving FATHER. However, satan (I always put a little 's' for him), who is a created being, and not eternal, CANNOT BE LIKE GOD, NOR WILL HE EVER BE LIKE GOD......but he sure is trying with the help of the evil ones!!

I don't know who the American family is that comes and makes a deal with the satanic forces. I did not recognize them, but they could represent those in the U.S. society that are truly coming into agreement with satan's menacing ways, as they are now helping facilitate his disgusting schemes and plans against humanity.

As the end of times grows closer, we must be very careful as Christians on the deceptions and lies that are being thrown at us. satan poses as an 'angel of light' in hopes of deceiving as many people, both Christian and non-Christian. He will try take GOD's place, on a 'counterfeit throne' that he calls 'the throne of GOD, but it will be a counterfeit, just he is.

With the SPIRIT OF GOD upon HIS people, we will be able to distinguish his ways and point people in the opposite direction to the ONE TRUE GOD!


While praying, I asked the LORD for about this dream, and this is what I heard:

"These are the wicked in high places. They seek to control the world remotely. They have build their castles high in the clouds hoping to touch heaven. They crown themselves kings and believe that they are immortal. They trust in their father to give them life and power.
Their powers are hidden and few know much about their ways. They will attack at a moments notice when their kingdom is threatened. They play god, as they seek to know all things about the inhabitants of the world.
Watch them carefully now as they morph into their actual form, no longer pretending or hiding.
MY beloveds, know that the war is not against flesh or blood, but the principality's that have been set up. Engage through prayer to bring their kingdom down, even if for just a short time.
Their intent is pure evil, and it involves snuffing out the light of MY WORD. There is not much time left, as all things are winding down.
Rejoice that MY glorious kingdom comes! Soon all will know that I am the true KING OF KINGS! Soon all will bow to ME and confess that I am LORD OF LORDS!
Do not be dismayed because this time is coming soon. I will come back and receive MY own. This will truly happen just as MY Scriptures says, so take heart! Your redemption draws night!
Rejoice again, I say rejoice,
I am forever with you, MY CHILDREN

Then I heard:

--I will stay true to MY Own

--the days are wasting away -- make the most of them for MY kingdom

--step forward into MY service and do not look back

--the days are coming when all will look upon ME and call ME LORD-

--Sing songs, hymns and spiritual songs -- this chases away the enemy

--I long for MY beloved Bride -- she is precious to ME!!!


“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation … I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." Isaiah 14:12-15

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Ephesians 6:10-11

"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts." Colossians 3:16






Loveth Nwokeohuru
Loveth Nwokeohuru
Jan 14, 2019

Yes, I noticed that too. That is why I followed her to her blog.

May God continue to bless and shower you with more wisdom.

May he continue to bless you with humility.


Dean Killick
Dean Killick
Jan 08, 2019

Thats the lord. Bless you


Dean Killick
Dean Killick
Jan 08, 2019

Everything in your writingd and dreams are true, wisdom and knowledge is given to those who love jesus, mayy the continue to bless you. Dean.

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