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A few weeks ago, as I started reading the Book of Hosea, the HOLY SPIRIT started showing me about the HARLOT of BABYLON, in contrast to those who were the true REMNANT OF CHRIST.

I started hearing these words over and over again, in my spirit.....and then I received a message, concerning these things, that is down below. It touches on all these things....and brings them al together.

Here are the words keep hearing:







First, I want to share about the HOUR OF TRIAL (or TESTINGS/TEMPTATIONS) in Revelation 3:10:

“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the WHOLE WORLD, to test those who dwell on the earth."

 There is an HOUR OF TRIAL is a TESTING that comes upon the whole world….which I believe points to the next WORLD WAR.  Though an 'hour' could be symbolic of a time- could also point to a NUCLEAR event(s). I believe that this will be a pre-cursor to the ARMAGEDDON WAR, where the leaders of the world will then UNITE (one world government), ready to fight the KING OF KINGS, JESUS CHRIST, and HIS followers!

It says in Matthew 24:21-22, that never before has there been such a GREAT TRIBULATION that comes upon the whole world.  Notice that both verses from the Books of Revelation (above), and Matthew (below), refer to the WHOLE WORLD! 

“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
“And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened."


During this HOUR OF TRIAL, there will be some that will ESCAPE.  This ESCAPE can refer, or represent many different things. It reminds me of the WOMAN, in Revelation 12, who ESCAPES the clutches of the Serpent, and retreats to the wilderness for protection. ESCAPE

"But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent." Revelation 12:14

Those who ESCAPE, are a group of CHRISTIANS that are represented by the Philadelphia Church.  They possess certain qualities/characteristics that keep them from going through this SEVERE TESTING/TRIAL Here are their attributes from Revelation 3:7-13:

1)They have an OPEN DOOR to JESUS and HIS KINGDOM (vs. 8)

2) They have LITTLE STRENGTH (their strength comes from the LORD alone!) (vs.8)

3) They have kept the WORD of GOD (vs.8)

4) They have NOT denied the NAME OF JESUS (vs. 8)

5) They have kept HIS commands to PERSEVERE (vs. 10)

6) They are OVER-COMERS (vs. 12)


This is the TRUE and FAITHFUL CHURCH!!


BABYLON: the Spiritual Whore

Then, the HOLY SPIRIT started showing me more about MYSTERY BABYLON.  Revelation 17 outlines her true characteristics.  She is the OPPOSITE of the those who will ESCAPE the HOUR OF TRIAL.  Spiritually speaking, she is the religious system(s) that play the HARLOT.  While she 'reeks havoc' upon the earth, with her adulterous ways..... she is like the 'Pharisees of old,' that have a form of religion, buy they are void of the SPIRIT. 

Here are some of her characteristics:

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding the form of religion but denying the power of it. Avoid such people. " 2 Timothy 2:3-5

The above verse is NOT referring to the world, but to the LUKEWARM BABYLONIAN CHURCH!


She is of the ‘ruling class’ that rides, and tries to ‘control’ the BEAST SYSTEM.  She is referred to as "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS" (Revelation 17:5) She is a 'MYSTERY' because it takes the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal, unlock, and help perceive who, and what she is. 


She is controlled by END-TIME SPIRIT PRINCIPALITIES, much like the JEZEBEL SPIRIT that is mentioned in Revelation 2:20-23. This JEZEBEL SPIRIT is one of the MAJOR end-time principalities trying to gain as much control and power possible. This principality can pretend to be HIGHLY SPIRITUAL, but instead, leads people to commit spiritual fornication, and adultery towards GOD. She does not only affect the churches, but, in these last days, she also tries to control any kind of leadership in the world.....for she is power hungry.


Unfortunately, there are many deceived Christians, that are playing the HARLOT, or are part of the HARLOT church system.  These are people that might be involved with the antichrist spirit that was 'among us' but then went rogue!

"Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us." 1 John 2:18-19
“For indeed, those who are far from You shall perish;You have destroyed all those who desert You for harlotry.”  Psalms 73:27
“Thus they were defiled by their own works,And played the harlot by their own deeds.” 
Psalms 106:39



Not only does Revelation 17 and 18 tell the fate of Babylon, but so does Jeremiah 50-51.  Prophet Dumitru Duduman was told, by the LORD, that Jeremiah 50 and 51, not only talks about the fate of Ancient Babylon….but it is also a pre-cursor to what will happen to Mystery Babylon in the Last Days!


In Jeremiah 51:11, it mentions that there is an ALLIANCE that comes against Babylon by the king of Medes. Ancient Medes is modern day Iran… will Modern Day Babylon also be destroyed by an Islamic nation(s)? A few years ago, that would have seemed 'far fetched'......but now there is such a rise of Islam in most western nations.

Make the arrows bright!Gather the shields!The LORD has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes. For His plan is against Babylon to destroy it, Because it is the vengeance of the LORD,The vengeance for His temple.”  Jeremiah 51:11


““And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

“For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.”

Revelation 17:16-17

MESSAGE: (6/10/24)

"Because MY people are NOT READY, and many are LUKEWARM, the FIRES OF AFFLICTION will come as an AGENT OF PURIFICATION. One of the ways will be through WARS, and RUMORS OF WARS. This will be an HOUR OF TRIAL that most will not escape, that is talked about in the WORD. (Revelation 3:10)

It is a PRE-CURSOR to Armageddon, where the KINGS OF ALL NATIONS, come to battle against ME, and those who are mine.

Tell them that just because these things come, it does not mean that I do not love or care for MY people. It is just the opposite....for I discipline those that I love....and I love MY CHURCH! However, they have become LUKEWARM, and need more than a 'nudge' to become on 'FIRE" for ME again! So, I will use FIRE to bring back FIRE into their spirit beings.

Great testing breathes NEW LIFE into people. Their BLINDERS are removed, and their ears become UNPLUGGED. Soon, many will, start seeing, and hearing in the SPIRIT REALM.....for they will no longer be 'sleeping virgins.'

I will then pour out MY SPIRIT upon them, and they will be ready to do MY WORK in the remaining days that are left. For I need a people who are EQUIPPED for this battle. They will be trained by MY HAND, by MY WORD, and by MY HOLY SPIRIT. This is MY REMNANT CHURCH, ready to do MY bidding in the final days ahead!

The world has rejected ME, turned from ME, slandered ME, and persecuted those who are called by MY NAME. Soon there will a great price to pay, if there is no repentance.

There is a HARLOT, the MYSTERY PROSTITUTE, who has the form of godliness, but in reality is as an empty shell, filled only with hypocrisy, and lies. This is the FALSE CHURCH, and RELIGION, that tries to control the BEAST with its LAWS and LEGALISMS.....instead of the workings of MY SPIRIT.

The 'New' Babylonians today are the FAKE (false) religions. Just like the Pharisees back in the New Testament Days.....who were considered the fake Jews.

(Revelation 2:9) These religions will control behind the scenes, and their errors will trickle down into the smaller religious institutions. They have a form of godliness, but they do not possess MY SPIRIT or PRESENCE.

This has been happening in many of the churches, as I have removed MY LAMPSTAND from them. They now worship a FALSE god along with self, and pleasures. Their leaders are puffed up with PRIDE, along with the love of POWER and MONEY.



The HOUR OF TRIAL comes upon the world. There will be some that will escape, because they have already passed the 'great testing of their souls,' and have been found worth to ESCAPE. They are FAITHFUL, CHOSEN and CALLED to walk with ME.. (Revelation 17:14) They have sanctified, and consecrated their ways to ME.

Many will die .... some to eternal GLORY, and many to eternal SEPARATION from the ALMIGHTY GOD, the GREAT I AM. However, it is not to late to great right with your CREATOR.....for the door is still open, though, daily, it closes just a little bit more. Soon it will be completely SHUT when the Bridegroom comes from HIS BRIDE. (Matthew 25:10) Whoever has oil in their lamps, and are awake in the SPIRIT will hear 'Well done, MY good, and faithful servant....Enter MY Kingdom.'

Call out to ME NOW, so that I can lead, and guide you onto that RIGHT and LEVEL path to ME!" END OF MESSAGE


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Jul 12


NATO documents released at this week's summit: they agreed that member countries could have nclr wpn activity and space/undersea actions, biowpns. Which essentially opens it up to non-members.

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