Lately, I have been very unsettled in my heart and mind. I felt very perplexed, and extremely sad, as I saw deceptions being poured out on those of the household of GOD---the snares that had been laid for them, though few see it.
Then on 1/23/21, I heard these words:
Again, I felt a remorse in my spirit that I had not done an accurate job of explaining the truths that had been shown to me. I see the Christians floundering, as if without a shepherd, as they follow the FALSE PROPHETS, just as if they were following the Pied Piper down to the cliff of destruction!
For the last few years, the LORD kept giving me messages about the SNARES (traps) and DECEPTIONS that were coming onto the people of FAITH, if they did not WAKE UP! I wasn't sure exactly what those SNARES were....or what they looked like till now! I see more clearly that these TRAPS that were laid for the believers came from the very household of GOD and leaders. These are the SHEEP IN WOLVES CLOTHING!
The truth is that these FALSE PROPHETS/TEACHERS/LEADERS have added to the demise of America, because they prophesy from the spirit of BAAL (Jeremiah 23:13) that is now ruling supreme in the land. They sound so REAL, so AUTHENTIC and so BIBLICAL, as they subtly persuade their audience that GOD is NOT A GOD OF JUDGMENT, but only of PEACE. (remember that satan can pose as an 'ANGEL OF LIGHT') (2 Corinthians 7:14), Not only are they in the churches, but they flood the internet, especially video platforms like YT.
Without knowing it, they prophesy LIES of what is coming upon AMERICA!!! They preach PEACE & SAFETY. They preach that everything is going to be OK, and that we just must 'trust the pl an' and not worry. They lull people into complacency, and a false sense of security. Their messages always make you feel good, and make you want to come back for more of their sugar-coated, twisting of the so-called WORDS OF GOD that they spew. Have we forgotten what it says about the last days in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6?
"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.."
BROTHERS AND SISTERS WE MUST WAKE UP! We ARE in the LAST DAYS.....therefore we are going to see prophecies from the BIBLE come forth! NOT "PEACE & SAFETY!" NOT "MAKE YOUR COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN!" Instead we are seeing JUDGMENT on the CHURCH & JUDGMENT falling upon America. It is here now, and will only increase, as we see severe persecution, occupation, death, wars and rumors of wars, plagues and pestilences. It is all written in the WORD OF GOD.....which is our 'MAP' of the future and our final destination!
I do not think that believers are ready for what is coming, I see them falling for lies and deceptions at every street corner of their lives. As we wait for our LORD and SAVIOR to return, we must have OPEN EYES that can spiritually discern what is ahead of us. If the household of our LORD JESUS does not wake up and repent.....they will be consumed!
REMEMBER that trusting in 'man' or man's plans is a SNARE! Proverbs 29:25 says:
"The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe."
Only JESUS is the one that can help HIS people during this time.....no other! These FALSE PROPHETS, TEACHERS & LEADERS have led the believers astray, as they work unknowingly for the antichrist system that spins its deceptive web of LIES. Believers need to be able to tell the difference between LIES and the TRUTH with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT. We must not lean or trust in men, which is mere flesh and blood.....but only in the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!
Many believers are now in denial and deceived because they are asking the wrong questions.....relying on the faulty resources and information from these false prophets/teachers/leaders! They are NOT hearing the voice of GOD, but only the voice of man. They keep praying.....but are their prayers being answered? Does there come a time when GOD STOPS hearing and answering prayers from a land that is unrepentant??
Unfortunately that is exactly what happened to Ancient Israel......the LORD stopped listening to their PRAYERS ABOUT THE CONDITION OF THE LAND, as HE brought judgment upon it. America goes the same way, the same pattern as Ancient Israel! The Book of Jeremiah gives out the warnings that parallel today:
"Then the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for this people, for their good. When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and grain offering, I will not accept them. But I will consume them by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence.” Jeremiah 14:11
Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them." Jeremiah 11:11
1) they shall become a terror to themselves & friends (considered like terrorists)
2) they shall fall by the sword of their enemies (war)
3) their country will fall and be taken over by a foreign land (occupation)
4) they shall become captives (slaves)
5) all the wealth, produce, precious things, and treasures were taken
2) REPENT of listening, promoting, and agreeing to lies from the false prophets/teachers/leaders. STOP following these WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING!!
3) PREACH REPENTANCE to everyone you know
4) PRAY FOR MERCY in our time of judgment
5) SEEK TO HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD through meditation of the WORD & Prayer
6) CHECK CAREFULLY who you listen to on YOUTUBE, and who you follow elsewhere. If they are NOT teaching, preaching or prophesying REPENTANCE, the BLOOD OF JESUS, CRUCIFYING THE FLESH, WALKING IN HOLINESS VS. WORLDLINESS, or END-TIME PROPHECY, based on Scripture, then that should be a RED FLAG!!
8) HAVE FAITH IN GOD! (Mark 11:22)
BROTHERS & SISTERS, please seek the LORD EARNESTLY on what I am sharing with you today, so you can then decide for yourself who is telling the truth, and who is misleading and misguiding the flock. WE NOW ARE IN URGENT TIMES
The Bible says to COME OUT OF BABYLON, SO YOU DO NOT PARTAKE IN HER SINS (Revelation 18:4-6) )
It is TIME for the TRUE BELIEVERS IN JESUS CHRIST to do this now .......
He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (Matthew 11:15)
Love & Blessings from
Your Sister in Christ,
Elizabeth Marie
HOW TO BE SAVED: latterrain333.wixsite.com/laterthanyouthink
DREAM FORUM: https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/lifeline/forum
HOMESCHOOLING FORUM https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/mysite-2
SAFE HAVEN COMMUNITY FORUM: https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/safehavenforum/forum/connect-with-one-another
"I cried out to the Lord. No one is listening. They can't see. Now I know how the number will just be 144,000 plus 1 or 2 or 3. God, why should I talk about it anymore? Why should I care anymore? Make them see! I HATE EVIL!
And then, my mouth shut! Peace came over me. His love came into me and I started to pray.
1/23/2021 at 1:23am: As His actions and the words from the Lord starting burning in my heart like fire, understanding was given, and I write:
God brings order to the words He has ordained to expose hypocrisy and lies and restore the lives of the broken, the religious and fruitless. Pray not on…
May God bless you richly, Sister Elizabeth, for having the guts carry out God's mission for your life: for continuing to bring HIS TRUTH to us. I was feeling despondent that it was so hard to find God's Truth Bearers out there. I am so thankful that you have made it possible for all of us in this forum to continue to be in touch with you.
(One personal note: I chose my forum name "mroyalty" because MY FATHER IS THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, AND BECAUSE I AM HIS CHILD, I AM ROYALTY. WE ALL ARE ROYALTY! I have received negative censure due to people placing a worldly connotation on my forum name. I also use…
Pray for the Lord to open Our being too His Word, Truth, GOSPEL, and Personal Calling we each have to carry out.
Key of all this is God's Grace and us asking and receiving from God The Fullness of Truth.
Without God we see nothing and can do nothing. Must pray for God to enter our life's and we be able to give the Lord of All our Hearts and Our self's .
Thank you all for lifting up Jesus. You Are Loved.
Thank you for quoting Proverbs 29:25 Elizabeth , that's a good one right now!
I've had MANY friends trust in the Q stuff and the false teachers, saying there was going to be justice, and I was thinking " What entity in gov. even CARES about real justice right now?? There's nothing left.
Even the Supreme court is corrupt too the bone now.. its really amazing! and very sad..
Now that said, IMO, this Psyop may well swing back to Trump, but not for the reasons people on the right may think.
It would be... allowed... to anger and enrage the left! to cause rioting and chaos.. we will see what happens. Jesus is our Rock and salvation. The bibl…
Hi Elizabeth so good to hear from you. So good to hear Bible truth. I'm running into this problem on my Facebook with people wanting to uphold Trump. He's just a man and I'm looking for my Jesus the Jesus of the Bible not to Jesus of the world. My father of the Bible and not the God of this world. This one world order thing is so sad because people are being very deceived. We have to stand on the truth and the Holy Ghost and Fire There's only one way and it's not the world's way I'm so thankful for you sister and her sister Mary she's been good to me too.