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WOMEN ONLY: Should women wear head- coverings??

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

While seeking the LORD on what HE wanted me to share next, I heard, in my spirit, ‘HEAD COVERINGS.

Hmmm....that was not what I was expecting! A few busy days past, and again, I sought the LORD, if HE wanted me to share one of the latest messages I have received.....but, AGAIN, I heard the words ‘HEAD COVERINGS!’ Definately not what I thought I would hear!!

So, I will be obedient to what I heard, and share---this is not necessarily a teaching, but my own personal experience with wearing a 'head covering.'

It is not an easy topic to tackle because it is very controversial in these modern days and times.

First, let us look at the WORD says about head coverings for women. 1 Corinthians 11 is the chapter to read and study to understand what Paul was saying.

“But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved. For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man is not from woman, but woman from man. Nor was man created for the woman, but woman for the man. For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.” 1 Corinthians 11:3-10

In today’s world, this passage ‘rubs’ people the wrong way, and is easily dismissed as ‘old fashion,’ cultural, or ‘sexist.’ This is one passage that is hard to discern, and 'unpack.' However, we have to be careful not to toss out certain Scriptures, just because it doesn’t make sense, or doesn’t fit into our paradigm.

So now I will tell you my personal story on head coverings:

I was lead to start wearing a head covering 10 years when I either prayed, worshiped, or prophesied. I have actually used the same lace scarf now for all these years, and it has become my covering.

When I started getting prophetic messages from the LORD, it was something TOTALLY new to me! I had come out of an Evangelical Presbyterian background that did not necessarily follow the supernatural gifts of the SPIRIT, or Biblical traditions. So, I was completely unschooled in the world of the prophetic.

Since I had no one in my personal life to talk to about this NEW gift that had been given to me, I sought out people online who could help me understand further this new awakening in the SPIRIT.

There was this one 'watchwomen' or 'prophetess,' who I had watched several times, and the LORD used her, initially, to minister to me.

One thing I noticed, was that as she prophesied or prayed, she had a head covering on. At the time, I thought that was very unnecessary, because I had been taught in Bible School, that it was just a ‘traditional custom’ during the times of Paul.

However, as time went on, every time I watched her, her head covering started to bother me more and more. Even though, I reasoned that it was not important..... I started feeling a ‘nudging’ from the HOLY SPIRIT.

Finally, I decided to address it to the LORD directly in prayer....and asked HIM is this something HE wanted me to cover my head during anything spiritual....including prayer, worship, spiritual warfare or prophesying. Immediately, in my spirit, I heard a resounding YES! I was surprised that I heard the answer so quickly, and distinctly!!

So ever since then, I have worn a scarf every time I spend time with the LORD, or do my videos, or do spiritual warfare.

As the BRIDE OF CHRIST, I also associate the veil/scarf it with a BRIDE who wears a veil on her wedding day!!! This is a sign of submission to her husband.....not just a fashion statement. As the BRIDE of CHRIST, my 'husband' is the LORD. This is a SIGN/SYMBOL to the SPIRIT world. that I am submitted to GOD, who is MY HUSBAND:

"For your Maker is your husband,
The LORD of hosts is His name;
And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel;
He is called the God of the whole earth." Isaiah 54:5

Another Scripture that is important is 1 Corinthians 11:10, that says that a covering is a SYMBOL to the angels. This means that there is definitely a spiritual connection between having a covering on or not.

“For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.” 1 Corinthians 11:10

Again, this above verse shows that the HEAD COVERING is not just something ‘physical,’ but has spiritual ramifications.

As a matter of fact, I never engage in spiritual warfare anymore without a covering on my head. Even if I am away from home, and forget my scarf, I will find something else to use that will act as a 'covering'.

It also to be noted that the verses in 1 Corinthians 11 mentions that LONG HAIR can be a covering! However, for me, even though I do have long hair, I still use the head- covering scarf --- as a SIGN to the spirit world that I am under submission to the LORD.

We must remember, this head covering is NOT a matter of SALVATION..... for me it was personal, as an answer to a prayer that I had prayed.

There are many in my circle of Christian friends and family, that do not wear a head coverings, and that is ok! We all have our own different, and unique journeys with the LORD!

However, if the LORD starts 'tugging on your heart,' or you are just curious about about this subject, then study the WORD (especially 1 Corinthians 11), and seek HIM further on it! Let HIM lead and guide you! Each one of us have to find peace within ourselves, and with what the LORD is calling us to!

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16 comentários

Fionnola Morris
Fionnola Morris
31 de jan. de 2023

Actually, these head coverings were instead of wedding rings, so to take off the head covering as Apostle Paul mentioned, would be to come out from under the covering of their husband, which I don't have either.

My hair is also fairly short, so according to Paul, that's a disgrace and I should shave my head. I really don't understand how to apply these scriptures. As for reflecting the glory of God, that surely applies to all believers who are devoted to the Lord and will 'be change from glory into glory'? (I'm not there yet!)

Plus male Roman believers had short hair, no sidelocks like the Jewish male believers who covered their heads with their prayer shawls. So ther…

Membro desconhecido
02 de fev. de 2023
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This can be a divisive issue but the fact is, most Christians are not even aware that it's an issue because the church as a whole doesn't even address it. Paul makes no mention of wedding rings in this passage so you would have to read that into the verse when it's not there. What Paul does refer to however is the order of creation as it pertains to God's glory as the reason why men must uncover their heads and why must women cover their heads when believers gather together to pray/prophesy. Since the creation order is the reason supplied, men uncovering their heads and women covering their heads applies to all Christians in all ages of time. However,…


Membro desconhecido
27 de jan. de 2023

In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul specifically wrote that the basis for his view on head coverings is the order of creation which is timeless and universal in scope. Thus, this passage applies to believers in all ages of time. The head of the man who is praying/prophesying requires that it be uncovered since his head reflects the image/glory of God (v.7). Therefore to cover his head would be to cover up the image and glory of God - which should always be paramount and made manifest. God's glory is never to be put under a cover. However, women are to cover their heads since the woman is the glory of man. When the church composed of men and women gather…


15 de jan. de 2023

It's very interesting that these days I find myself wearing the head covering. My background is evangelical as well and it was new to me that the Lord called me out to simply pray for His coming.

For me it just feels good when I wear it. Now I understand in depth why the Holy Spirit has been leading you in this direction.

It's also interesting to NOTE that AFTER the nuclear FALL out and Antichrist comes on the Scene. The WORLD RELIGION WILL be ISLAM and the Women who will be Wearing Head covering will be RESPECTED by the mercenaries.

I understand at this time the mercenaries are being trained in different mosques awaiting for their The Mahdi.


02 de nov. de 2024
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In Islamic controlled areas, non-Mulsim women who wear headcoverings would NOT be "respected" by Muslim men. According to Islam, non-Muslims are considerd to be less than human and therefore, not worthy of respect.

In addition, Islam's strictest teachings require that women be covered from head to toe. And in Islamic controlled areas (ruled by Sharia law), they believe that any woman seen in public without being completely covered from head to toe (and not in the company of a male escort) deserves whatever happens to her.

Islam is NOT a "religion of peace." When Islam was in its infantcy, the early "revelations" given by Mohammad were about living in peace with their neighbors, but when Islam became powerful enough (and…


12 de jan. de 2023

Thank you for sharing. There's a women in our church that wears hats and I've been fixated on it without speaking to her. This message just encourages me to dig deeper.


Membro desconhecido
10 de jan. de 2023

Dear Elizabeth Marie? I seem to recall this post being presented and discussed sometime last year around August or September? My real question is though: I wonder why Paul says that a man does not need a covering when Jewish men wore and still do wear a "Tallit" (a prayer shawl). Even The Lord Jesus wore a Tallit? Yet, Paul said in 1 Cor: 11 that a man did not need a covering but women do? Quite confusing. Since you posted this topic last year sometime, I have been wearing a lace scarf and do feel more of a connection with The Lord and Holy Spirit. If not The Lord God had not brought this topic up again…

Membro desconhecido
12 de jan. de 2023
Respondendo a

Thank you so much for clarifying this for me! It is most important to seek The Lord and His Will. Be well + The Lord's Peace be upon all. Shalom

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