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Mar 28, 2019
In Connect with One Another
For those undecided about how to find a safe haven place to go to on limited finances, might I suggest getting several like minded friends together and renting an older home/farm house or mobile home already on sight in the safe zone, see safe haven message #1 & #2, it would be much more feasible than going it alone, especially for those that still have a job somewhere else. This would be good also because you could develop relations with the people that live close by. Remember your neighbors already know the area and will be your defensive allies. Also join a local church close by to your new location, you will need to be around Godly people that can be helpful now and in the future. As always pray for Gods direction in all things, but also remember that God expects you to do some leg work in this also! Before God can show you the right path you must first start walking! Time is short! God Bless You All! Gary & Donna
Mar 21, 2019
In Connect with One Another
We saw a Homeland Security Warning online (website: Homeland Security Issues Warning to All Americans, Start Prepping Now by Aware Prepare Survive) and realized that there is a need for people to be prepared for a national emergency. Realizing most people may not know how to prepare and stock up we have made a list of must haves in order for people to have a chance at surviving such an occurrence. Of course this list can be added to for your on personal needs. Grid Down Emergency Must Have! 1 Gas/propane cook stove and Sun oven (the Sun oven works when you don't have gas/wood, all you need is enough sun to see a shadow) 2 Wood stove and large supply of cut and split wood 3 Chain saw & gas, ax, splitter & pruning saw 4 Solar Panel, Controller, Inverter & Marine or Golf cart (best)battery to charge batteries and run tools 5 Warm clothes & boots (at least 2 pair) 6 Guns AR15 with at least 10 magazines for home defense, Pump shotgun, 22 Rimfire rifle & personal defense Handgun (at least 2000 rounds ammo for each) (.308 optional) (.40 - 38/357 - 9mm - 45 ACP) 7 Old time dinner bell for a community alarm & 2 way radios to talk to neighbors in an emergency (with lots of batteries) 8 Extra fuels of all types for your own use and to have for barter 9 Extra eye glasses! (Think if your only pair gets broken beyond repair & no stores) 10 Solar radio or hand cranked radio 11 5 Gallon buckets (water, all kinds of storage, put a commode seat on it for your potty) 12 Binoculars, tool oil, hand tools, plastic sheeting, duck tape... 13 Chickens for eggs and meat 14 A good water source! a way to sterilize the water, if its not from a spring where the water is coming from the ground and you can get the water where it leaves the ground, Rain Barrel 15 Assorted ziplock freezer bags, Fire starters, Alcohol, Bandages - assorted sizes 16 One year Food & Medicine supply, also animal food(feeds) (salt, sugar, beans, rice, can goods, dry milk, all store well-check into mylar bags with oxygen absorbers, you can also check into fish antibiotics - not just for fish!) 17 Several flashlights (batteries), Kerosene/oil lamps, solar lights (the ones in your yard can be charged in your yard during the day & brought inside the house for light at night) 18 Heirloom garden seeds - Hybrid seeds wont regrow (Amazon sells them for around $15) 19 Learn about wild plants for Food and Medicine - get a book with pictures 20 Talk to your Neighbors! You will need them - they will need you (form a community plan) 21 Having a Bicycle as a way to get around is an excellent idea - look for a used one 22 Having some real Silver coins is a very good idea 23 Survival books and go to Prepper/Homesteading websites 24 Learn to talk to God!!! Your going to need Him more than you ever have! Get a Bible if you don't have one. Websites that may be of interest: Off Grid Cooking or All American Sun Oven ( Whole Sale If you need reader glasses stock up at the Dollar Tree or comparable The Patriot Nurse YouTube: Cheap Dollar Store Medical Supplies-Prepping on low cash Are Fish Antibiotics Safe for Humans? & Top 5 Antibiotics for SHTF Watch Viking and/or Southern You will learn a lot from them Check out Sportsman's and/or Camping for supplies These are only suggestions, there are lots of options if you just look around! God bless you all! Gary
Mar 21, 2019
In Connect with One Another
My 1st message was to give you all the safe zone location in northwestern NC, next is how do you find a place in the zone or basin described. First of all pray for instruction and guidance from God to lead you in this endeavor and He will! Your going to have to put legs on your prayers and do your part, nobody is going to pick you up in a bus, take you to a retreat and cook for you! You're going to have to do this on your own with God's help here and there, praying constantly to God for His direction. For those with money go online to the Zillow home & property website and search for the places in your budget. Next go on Google Earth (free down load) type in the address of the location you are interested in, look at the terrain and the area before calling a real estate broker. Look for small farm valley communities with forest and water near by, or if the location has a well it will need a hand pump on it. Note: Most of the locations in the mountains will NOT have city water. Go online and checkout homestead and prepper websites, this is how your going to be living! If you need something lower budget think about just a lot or acre of land and put two or three storage buildings on it making one into a cabin to live in and the others for grid down supplies and storage. Check with local regulations and codes before you make a purchase. Lastly is to find a good used camper trailer and park it in a long term rental spot or camper type retreat and stock it as much as possible. Again pray every step of the way for Godly people to already be there. The people in your community will be vital for your survival and defense! Oh, almost forgot, look for older farm rental houses. Many young people have left the mountains for jobs in the cities and their parents houses are empty! The mountains are full of these. So much for message #2, I'm going to try to keep the messages short and to the point for you. As always, God bless you! Gary & Donna
Mar 21, 2019
In Connect with One Another
First of all I want to thank God for leading me to Ms Elizabeth Marie's website to provide an avenue for the information I'm about to share. God is truly using her in these last days to speak to His people. God first started speaking to me 30 years ago when He told me that I was being given an end days mission that would become more and more relevant toward the last days. I ask why me and He said that there were 500 other people in the United States that He was coming to for their own missions at that time. I think many of the Godly you-tube family are part of it maybe. I continually received guidance and messages through the years, one of them was the location of a last days safe zone in the mountains of North Carolina. It extends from the Blue Ridge Parkway on the east, the Appalachian Trail on the west, Burnsville NC on the south and the NC state line on the north. This area consist of a high mountain basin of abundant water, farms, forest and Godley people! My wife and I moved here 5 years ago from GA and love it here, this is truly Gods country! There are other safe zones in the country such as the Ozarks and other similar isolated mountain pockets but this is the area I was told about for this region of the south. There will be nothing safe within 200 miles of the coast or nothing close to large populated areas. Perhaps some other of Gods watchmen will share their own safe zones here also. This is the end of my 1st of several safe zone messages of instructions that I feel lead to post. May God bless you all in your search. Gary & Donna


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