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Join date: May 17, 2022


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I would like to join TOGETHER with some others who DESIRE to be Sold Out Disciples of our Master and Savior, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus, Christ = english greek translation, but I don't build doctrines around this...just me personal preference),

And live TOGETHER on maybe 10 to 40 acres of good fertile ground, in a good location, somewhere in the ouachita or ozarks regions of Arkansas or Oklahoma, or WHEREVER The, HOLY, Spirit leads us, to be SEPERATED from the spirit of this world, unto HOLINESS (II Cor. 6:17).

I believe that our first mission TOGETHER will be continuous Prayer in our very own Upper Room, until we all, just like the very first Disciples, be endued with Power from On High (Luke 24:49). I do not want a trace of legalism in our camp, but just Simple Hearts, fully lead By The HOLY Spirit, and who are excited about Heaven and being Ready for our Savior's soon return. We can balance continual prayer with fellowship, singing, enjoying one another's company, serving each other, helping in our organic garden or whatever needs to be done, in simplicity and gladness of heart as we long for and look for our Savior's soon return and appearing, and endeaver to Keep Ourselves unspotted from this wicked world and IT's technology.

I'm not talking about legalism, rules and regulations, Yuk! I'm talking about Matt. 13:44, and a Humble people who are Hungry for Everlasting Life, Revival, and a Spiritual Revolution. A Humble People who have nothing else on earth to live for, and who desire to finally be True Disciples.

It seems Luke 14:33 is the abc123 starting line for those who truly desire to take up their cross and FOLLOW their Savior. This simply lands us TOGETHER, simply TOGETHER, with the others who have also Forsaken ALL, EVERYTHING, to Follow Christ and the Kingdom Of Heaven!! And if we cannot handle Luke 14:33, is their a safehaven for a foolish virgin (Matt. 25:10), even if they do have stockpiles of ammunition and rice stored away?

Eccles. 1:9 says, History Repeats Itself. So, I believe that We Shall RETURN and FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE (Acts 1-4) that our Savior already gave us some 2000 years ago.

HalleluYah! I believe that we shouldn't work for Satan's world and receive a paycheck from the SAME SOURCE as any heathen, because we only serve One Master (Matt. 6:24-25), but we do work with our hands, to serve and love one another, and we also have a burden for lost souls.

We can have a large organic garden, few chickens, etc., nothing too large scale but just what we need to live simple lives, be Wise Virgins (Matt. 25:10), continue to reach out to win lost souls who want to JOIN US, or Join The Church, a True DEMONSTRATION Of It, and what our Savior CLEARLY wanted (John 17:21-23, John 13:34-35, Psa. 133, Acts 2:44-45, Acts 4:32-35) from the beginning.

Shalom, Edward

findthenarrowway at yahoodotcom

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