"It is I Yeshua who comes to you this day. Angels of protection wrap you under their wings of protection, no one can harm thee. My rod and staff comfort thee for my namesake Jesus the Christ of Nazareth. Come out of her my people and I will not put judgment on thee head. Time is running out for America, my wrath kindled against her. The Harlot of Babylon once made me proud but has turned her back on me. My wrath comes quickly once my wise virgins are taken my cup is poured out onto her with no respite. This saddens me greatly beyond measure, she was my fortress for others to adorn my rock of refuge my chosen one. Calamities coming any day now for my children, much is happening now, turmoil, corruption, hatred, betrayal, greed,
anarchy for my lost sheep. Keep praying for them your rewards are coming dear, I love you from the most high God".
Thank you for sharing! May the LORD'S perfect will be done!