I think i was 10 when i had this dream or nightmare idk. But i was small and i remember waking up crying. In this dream i remember i was in an old truck and i was sitting next to a lady. In that truck, she was hugging me amd comforting me and in the front a man was the one driving. So i was in the back seat with the lady. I don't know who she was.. And we were on this road only going straight. One lane road. And i could see there was a mountain or volcano at the end. And when i looked outside the window , i saw a sea of skeletons. Skulls amd bones. On both sides I saw an ocean of. Skeletons. It was like the man was taking me somewhere and i was crying because of what i saw oustide the truck . everywhere i saw it was just skulls and bones. And that man was taking me somewhere. It was horrific. Just bones. I dont know where he was taking me.
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Sounds like it was the devil wanting to take you to the Valley of Death. Make sure that you are born again into the KINGDOM of GOD through repentance in our LORD JESUS. HE has given us the promise of Romans 10:9, so that will never happen to you! Stay under HIS wings of protection!
"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9