I had a dream that I was hanging out with a kpop group called BTS. We were in a mall shopping. They heard their song coming out from one of their stores and went in only to see it was a lady jamming to their songs. She was embarrassed to see them but stood up to greet them, only that when she stood up she was a giant. I think she was working in a pharmacy because she had on a white coat. The tops of BTS's heads reached her waist. When she went back to her seat she stumbled and fell. We told her sorry and blah blah.
As we were leaving I saw a guy walk in and start talking to her. I was the only one that saw him so i stayed behind and I was peeking through some kind of slit to see him. He caught me and started chasing me. I don't think I was supposed to have seen him talking to her. For some reason BTS disappeared and was replaced by Viola davis. We were running for our lives. He cornered us in a bathroom and brought out a knife. He was going to kill is with it. He started saying something to viola, sneering and saying something like "didn't you kill your baby?" I can't really remember but it had something to do with her and a baby. I found one of those sharp swirl like things you use to open a bottle of wine and as he came close, I stabbed him in the side with it. The dream ended after that.
I dont know if this dream has an interpretation that is beneficial to the body. Its the giant lady that struck me as odd. Giants in a dream are not a good thing right? I know people have prophesied that when all the mark of the beast thing goes down we will be seeing strange things like alien delusions etc. Like always i had other dreams that night, none of which i can remember. Again this has become usual for me, knowing i dreamt about multiple things but not remembering any. The ones i do remember like this one, after the interpretation, hold importance.
K Pop - S Korea, idols, popular culture
Giant - plan or strategy of the devil
(like abortion, poverty, famine)
the Man - demon protecting the giant
viola Davis - activist for childhood hunger and poverty (also a Christian)