Last night I had a dream that concerned the transition of God’s authority, the call to become a disciple, and instructions for us as the saints. This dream perhaps occurred because in the prior day, for the first time, in my prayers I told the Lord what I would do that day to help build his kingdom and then I completed those steps.
The Dreams
In my first dream, I was writing down the times of important events so I could share them. There was a 2-part event, with the second part being the great outpouring of the spirit. I had to redo writing this one because I hadn’t originally written the time of the second event. There was very little time between the two parts. I also recall there was an old house that would fall to be replaced by a new house.
I woke up and wrote this dream on a piece of paper kept handy on my bed. I continued laying in bed a received a series of semi lucid dreams – though unlike lucid dreams I wasn’t really controlling them.
I saw what looked like old power lines, and knew that they would be replaced by much larger modern looking powerlines and (somehow) knew this was related to John the Revelator.
I reflected on spiteful thoughts towards a person in my life and had an image of literally seeing my brain and cutting off the part of my brain that was spiteful (though it was more like it was pulled off with hands).
I had a dream of Submarines making a long journey, and they had to rise to the surface sooner than expected.
I had a dream of a feast and when I arrived there was only a single seat left for me. It had been reserved for me by an old book sitting on the table in front of seat depicting esoteric writings and diagrams. Somehow, I represented the vegetable part of the feast.
I left the feast with someone else and walked through the city so far that the city somehow transitioned into a different city that was more foreign. Our walk was interrupted by a crying voice which said, “I am going to judgement, disengage here.”
I was at my Grandparents house and saw a figure who looked like my Grandpa but much younger. He had a piece of chalk and wrote on the wall “I need more help.”
I was chatting at Church with a figure who looked much like this younger Grandpa, who told me that we needed to “ready the prison for that night”.
I saw a person wearing what looked to be armor (that I knew represented spiritual armor) but the armor was all messed up because he had been fed fake / counterfeit vegetables which had also weakened him. I got the impression that the name of the faulty vegetables was “ludgerbrunt” – I have no idea what that means.
The transition of God’s Authority
The parts discussing the collapse of the old building and the erection of a new replacement, and the old powerlines replaced by the new powerlines both represent the same concept: In the last days, God will bring down the Old World Religions (including my own), and replace them with a New Religion. John the Revelator was in this part of the dream because he had seen this occur (as discussed in the scriptures covering the 144,000 – who represent God’s new priesthood coming to this world).
Sooner than Expected
I believe the submarine represents the 144,000. They have been kept secret from the world, but when the submarine surfaces they will receive their calling and begin their 3.5 year ministry on earth. This parallels the very first dream, in which I was writing down the timing of events and found a very short period of time between the first event and the second event. I don’t know what the first event is, but the second event (I believe) represents also the moment when the 144,000 begin their ministry. Both dreams convey a sense of urgency – the submarine is surfacing sooner than expected, and the time between events leading the call of the 144,000 is very short.
The Feast Timeline
I believe the feast represents the great wedding feast discussed in the new testament. The people there represent God’s saints found back through the ages, and the last seat remaining represents the position reserved for the Saints in the very last days. The book I saw (I believe) represents the Book of Revelations – which discusses how in the last days God will rise up a new generation of miracle workers to bring his gospel to the world (the 144,000). In doing so, the book of revelations has effectively “reserved” a spot for the 144,000 to shine and work God’s wonders.
After I left the feast, I went out with another person to the city. I believe this represents how (after receiving their callings in the throne room of heaven), the 144,000 will return to earth to spread the gospel two by two. And of course, this ministry will be disengaged when God decides the time of judgement has truly arrived.
Spiritual Vegetables I believe that the fact that I represented “the vegetables” when I arrived at the feast represents how the 144,000 will return the “vegetables” to religion. Presently, the world’s religions try to only give their followers “desert”. They promise their members eternal salvation, they all pat each other on the back for having the correct beliefs, and many of their sermons are just about how God is going to bless us in our careers. This represents the “Dessert” of religion – yes it is technically part of our religion – however, to get there we need to first eat our vegetables. We need to be praying, reading the scriptures, repenting, and fasting in order to develop a personal relationship with God. Therefore the 144,000 will bring back the “vegetables” – they won’t just be congratulating each other for being righteous - but will truly encourage everyone to come unto god, even if that requires uttering harsh truths. The final part of the dream – seeing a person wearing armor that is all wrong and messed up because he ate “fake vegetables” ties into this. Worldly religions have been feeding their followers fake vegetables by not correctly teaching which actions lead us to God. Consequentially, many people have put on their spiritual armor wrong. In my view, the nonsense name of these vegetables represents how the false teachings are (in God’s eyes) total nonsense.