A Teaching on Virtue and Praise
A teaching from Father God, from His true servant. April 29, 2021
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. -Philippians 4:8
The Teaching:
Things of Truth: Speaking the true word of God. To be benevolent in how you speak to people; and to be truthful in what you speak. Our words mean a lot. Your words can be hurtful or uplifting. Be true in what you speak.
Being Honest: Being honest brings forth the legitimacy of who you are and your personal character. Words of lying can damage your worthiness to how people look at you; and if they even care to hear what you say. Being honest can bring forth validity in what you speak of God and Lord Jesus; and how you represent yourself toward mankind.
Things that are Just: Things that are just is how you deal with those you come in contact with and how you employ rightness. Being just brings forth the truths of your words, your justified actions, and reactions with mankind. Being just brings forth the light of how Lord Jesus walked upon the earth as a man. Be justified as He was.
Being Pure: Being pure is really the truth of your heart and soul. Your very compassion edifies the purity of humbleness in who you are. Soft spoken, true to your word, and the validity of your character. We should be pure and gentle in how we treat all mankind in both words and actions.
Things that are Lovely: Things that are lovely can be noted on truth, actions, and the very presuppose on which you stand with your God given qualities. This can be that to nature, toward people, the beasts of the earth, and mankind. It is the very purity on how you bring forth the gentle character of Father God that is within you. We should never emit the darkness of that of the destroyer. Be lovely and walk in true light of Lord Jesus.
That of Good Report: Bringing forth good report is reflective of our words, actions in scripture reading, and what we share and teach with all mankind. It’s relative in what we learn and the truths therein. It can also deal in our traits of relations with whom we come in contact with. This also relates to that of being just in what we represent in our meaning of character. Bring forth goodness. Even that of Father God and our Savior Lord Jesus.
Thinking on Virtue and Praise: Virtue can imply many things and instances. They are the course of life in the standard of righteousness, strength of courage in valor, a commendable quality or trait, and a beneficial quality or power of things. Praise is the very essence of glorifying Father God and Lord Jesus--especially by the attribution of perfection and prayer.
Be virtuous and praise worthy in giving your very lives to Father God and Lord Jesus Christ whom saved your eternal soul. Think of this next time you say your prayers.
In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, thru the Holy Ghost...Amen