I had a dream that I was helping two female friends, both Christian, grocery shop. I bought some things for me also. They were not paying much attention to me. They noticed that a small band of criminals were following me and did not tell me. I did not see them until we were about to check out. They left their groceries in the store and ran, and I did the same later, unable to catch up with them. As I was running from the criminals I was arrested by this odd, general like police officer, almost cartoonish in appearance, and he interrogated me at the police station, screaming like a drill sergeant the whole time.
I think this dream means that legal forces (most importantly police) will start to persecute Christians soon, and when this happens many will fall away, even people we thought were true Christians and friends. They will cut you off and be of no help or support. The devil and his forces will also persecute Christians as expected, at the same time, which is what the criminals represent. But God is enough. Do not fear, for He conquered the world through Jesus Christ. He will protect you.