I had a dream that stuck with me and I felt in the spirit that it had to be shared.
This is definitely unfamiliar territory for me to travel. I am yet compelled to go where I am told to go.
I start in the dream as I am stepping of a raised platform hut, it had only one wall, along with the rough and the floor. It reminded me of the ones seen to be in South American tribes. From it, I stepped onto a dry strip of land, to head toward an argumentative group. Seems the argument was over whether or not the two that asked of the three for some help, use of their time, to take water to an area that was “dying for thirst”.
I spoke not a word but, grabbed the water bag from the two, turned and walked between the three. I crossed a road then went around it to draw water on the far side. I saw that the house was built on sticks with a raised floor, for water was flowing out from under it. I drew water to fill the bag. I stood up on the edge of the road with the full water bag. A group down the road was being spoken to by the three from the first group and pointing towards me.
When I saw them, I began spinning the water above my head, faster and faster. They then as a consolidate group started approaching me with great caution. They began to encircle me and shouting things trying to get me to stop. As the bag increased speed, they drew closer. I then as they sought to pounce on me, tossed the bag and all its momentum in the air in the direction of those needing the water. I did not let go and it took it with me, as I saw the group colliding below me.
Not sure how but, the next scene was me giving water to those in need. As for some dying of thirst”, I was told in my spirit that 2 had died from the delay of the water, though many others were saved.
-------------------- END OF THE DREAM -------------------
Then in my spirit as I awoke I was told parts of the dream. Te water represented the Living waters, The roads were ways of men that invaded and tried to channel the waters. Yet the waters flowed where it could between the roads and then was taken to those that thirst.
Those in the first disagreement were 2 trying to get the water to those in need. The three represented the large number of people trying to control by laws and rules of men, who the water should flow to s well.
The argument was about the use of time, and the 3 had things on their agenda to complete but, gave up more than that time to complain and sidetrack or derail those trying to spread the word. Yet, if they had used the time to help, some of their agenda would not have been necessary and they would have had more free time to spread the word. Yet, from their imagination of what was right, caused that some did die of thirst of these living waters.
The group later were those that were convinced of the rules and laws of men, and thereby stopping the spreading of the true word of the Lord Jesus.
The flight with the water represented that before the spreading of the waters could fully be, God would miraculously intervene and would send those who were willing to the places that this was needed.
If others understand more, please share. As for condemnations, STOP being a pawn of Satan and spend your time spreading the true Word. We are to spread the Word instead, each of us to the level of understanding that we have been given, yet being allowed to grow as lead by the Spirit.
Water is symbol of right faith of Jesus. The 3 is symbol of the trinity . The 2 are symbol of Belief that Jesus and holy spirit are Gods ,which are not. To cross to go to Jesus faith