Since water dreams seem to be coming up on the forum, I decided to post one I had. I dreamt that I was coming home from shopping at the drug store a few blocks away, despite it being about 3 a.m. There was about 3 inches of water everywhere, but the sky was clear. I looked up and was frightened to see the Moon was very colorful, like it was tye-died, but the colors glared oddly.
In real life my region does not flood. It is on a sloping hill.
c-ryn.: i also notice/reading a lot of storms, flooding along the coast that people are posting. (i don't believe in coincidence) Nibiru, ninth planet that many astronomers are looking for ( I am amazed that none of these experts refer to Zacharia Sitchin (Jewish biblical scholar, astronomer who wrote many books on this subject. He translated the Sumerian hieroglyphs who spoke of Nibiru their home planet that has an orbit of 3600 years and affects this planet depending on where the orbits intersect. (it also affects the other planets) which astronomers rarely talk about.(perhaps ? a code of silence for national security. can't have public panic) the ancient wrote about where this planet is located beyond the Kuiper belt. This maybe the reason why the increase in earthquake all over the globe. I don't know if you ever read about Nancy Leider, she was a contactee for people from the Zeta Reticuli star system who gave warnings of a future pole shift. (the media ridicule her findings like Sitchin's peers who discounted his findings and only after he died in 2010 did they give him credit for his knowledge of ancient writings. (I do not find any conflict with ancient and biblical script of planetary alignments, (the ways of the Lord are mysterious and true)
C-ryn, I never thought about COVID. That is an interesting angle. I wondered if it had to do with Planet X/ Nibiru making a flyby past Earth, moving the waters significantly.