5thMarch – I had a dream last night, I’m not sure if this one meant anything or not, but I thought I would jot it down in case it makes sense later. It reminded me of Noah’s ark. I don’t remember everything in the dream. I know we got very little notice, it was a quick event. We had very little time to get to the top of a mountain. We were barely at the top when the first wave came. There were three waves. The first wave, or surge, brought water to the foot of the mountain, the next wave brought it higher, and by the third wave, it was literally lapping around our feet. At the top of the mountain we were in something, like a cement foundation with very low walls, or a cement boat. The water was splashing in. Animals that had been down below the mountain when the water came, were washing up with the waves on the top of the mountain, alive still. There were other elements to this dream, but I didn’t sleep with pen and paper next to my bed last night, and I can’t remember it all.
6thMarch – Last night I dreamed we were at a resort of some kind, seemed in the mountains. They were showing us around, and around the side of this resort was a light house. It was up the mountain slope a little way, and it was very broad based – like the base of the light house was sort of cut into the mountain itself. The stairs to get to the top of the light house were cut into the mountain slope, spirally around the mountain. In my dream, I panicked. As I stood there, looking up at it, I recognized it as the place where I had been in my previous dream. What I had seen as a foundation with low walls had been part of this light house – the roof! The top of it was adjacent to the crest of the mountain, because it was built into the mountain – that’s where the animals had been washing up. As I looked at it, my knees went weak and my colour drained. I wanted to run as fast as I could to get away from this place, but the slope we had walked up was smooth and steep, and difficult to get down. End of dream.
As I write about it now, I think of Jesus saying men’s hearts will fail them, and they will be filled with fear and foreboding at the raging of the waves of the sea. This place was inland, and yet my other dream showed it completely consumed by water. I had that other dream a couple of months ago about seeing the water coming down the street, and knowing as I stood there that it was too late, and I could not escape. Are these dreams just my imagination? I pray to God that these dreams are nothing but my own imaginings. Because if they are from God, he seems to be telling me that there is no escape from this. He did not make any appearance in these dreams, to rescue me – he wasn’t there. Does the water represent actual water, or is it symbolic? It feels so real in the dreams. And a few weeks ago I had a dream that I didn’t bother to write down, because I couldn’t remember most of it, but in that dream I was on a small ship / large boat, there was something wrong with it, I think it was sinking, and there was something burning falling out the sky in front of it – a plane?
In most of my dreams from God, I feel his power, and I am never afraid – but in these dreams? He’s not there, and I’m terrified. Is this the enemy messing with me? Or is it God – and what is he saying? Or is it just in my own mind?
In my opinion, this dream is from God. There are several connections to the story of Noah's Ark, like you said. I think since lighthouses are used to guide boats, it was symbolic of God herding people to safety in these scary times. The water might be symbolic of the deluge that will consume the people who belong to this world. The animals, I am hearing, represent those people, who are more animal like at this point. Please do not be afraid, as there is no faith in fear. The judgement and end times are prophesied, so there is no escape, but God will protect His children.