Part 1:
I was in a European city that looked like it was in the Germany area with friends. We were trying to find a building (for some reason) and had split up to find it. I found what looked like the right building – a huge extremely ornate old building that felt right. I went inside and found it was full of people and had a huge basement floor and was well lit. I contacted my friends to tell them I had found it, but then realized it was not the right building – it had been the right building centuries ago but the government buildings had switched around, so now this building had been restored to be a museum.
Part 2:
I was in California in a town by a river. It was very green and had deciduous trees (it didn’t look like California, but my feeling was that it was there). Then came a dreadful darkness along with a FALSE RAPTURE (I just have that impression “false rapture” I have no idea what it means). When the daytime returned I found a flood had destroyed the whole city. I had to swim through an underground passage clogged with dead bodies as well as across the river. I had the feeling that my body was somehow transfigured – I could swim very fast, and I think I may have had wings.
Part 3: I was in what looked like a wild west town in the Californian Desert. I needed materials to fix the powerplant, and there was this sort of town event where everyone received presents. These presents included the materials I needed. Though I myself had received a small gift, I still needed other people’s gifts to restore the powerplant, so had to request them from people. I had the feeling that the gifts had been distributed unfairly, with some people (who were not good people) receiving far more than they deserved. Apparently I got the materials I needed because I left town on a motorcycle to get to the powerplant. I remember seeing a map of the route to the powerplant – I had to ride up north to the Sierra Nevada mountains – and I was very worried about crashing because the route looked perilous and it was raining. I tried to find another way but couldn’t. Overall Interpretation:
I believe this entire dream is giving a timeline. In the first part, the building we searched for represented God’s kingdom on earth. It cannot be found because it doesn’t exist yet, but we still have a “museum” about God’s kingdom (the scriptures) though it exists under no official capacity. The next event that comes is the darkness, during which calamities will occur as well as the false rapture. Following the darkness comes the great outpouring of the holy spirit – as represented by the gifts being given out in the town. Just as the town was a “wild west town” – the time period following the days of darkness will be like the wild west, involving a great realignment of the socio-political-religious landscape. Moreover, as we are taught in the scriptures, Satan’s workers on earth will also be working great wonders deceiving many – hence the feeling that some people had received gifts unfairly in the town. The powerplant represented God’s power on earth and references a different dream I posted about involving old powerlines being replaced with new ones. Much like how the Museum technically still stood as a structure but under no official use, the powerplant also was already standing as a structure but was broken. So therefore, following the three days of darkness, we will have to use our newfound spiritual gifts to help restore God’s kingdom on earth. This won’t be easy: as seen in the perilous state of the road to the powerplant, our missions will be dangerous and difficult.
A minor dream worth mentioning from yesterday:
I had a dream of having a discussion talking about the importance of overcoming, and how alone time helped with it.
I also dreamt of serving a Mission in Portland Oregon. I broke all Mission rules and protocol to do what I felt I needed to – which included having a conversation with a member during a small flood (not life threatening). This drew the ire of mission leaders.