About 3 years ago, I dreamt I was substitute teaching in a middle school. It was an ordinary day, in the middle of the day. I opened the door to the back of the school, just then a student of aboit age 12, looked at me and said, They're here! Just then, several white large FEMA vehicles, pulled up behind the school. I was made to know that they didn't come to the front, because they didn't want the parents to find out there plan. They were there to take the students away! I think it was to bring them to a FEMA facility for a bad shot! I think this will happen during the next Plandemic! Pray about if you should homeschool! I sure would! This shot might change their DNA!
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There were rumors last week that similar could have happened before wildfires, when students were sent home. Theories on buses sending kids somewhere else, ranged in who might be holding them, and how. (The count of deceased has not changed much, and 1000 still missing.)
Wildfires are dense in many areas of the world. Map, zoom out.
A few years ago, a friend's kids were assigned emergency backpacks at school, and kids were told they might need to stay overnight in an emergency. We talked about various situations that might include.
Our news is reporting severe teacher shortages at the beginning of the school year; along with influx of new students from border, raised with other languages than English.