In 1989, I received the Lord from an invitation to a music concert at a local church. The next night I experienced something very special and entirely unexpected from the Lord. In my sleep, I opened my eyes and observed that the walls of my room were lit up by something. My eyes traveled up the far wall to the corner of the ceiling looking for the sourse of the light. My eyes then tracked to the ceiling above my head, as I saw the light getting much brighter. The ceiling above my bed was missing!! A tower extended above my bed where the ceiling once was!! Brilliant white light illuminated above me. Two men in white robes were floating above me!!! They were about five feet apart back-to-back, and about ten feet above my bed looking out 'windows' from the tower. This tower resembled a light house. They appeared to be guarding something. I realized later they were guarding me, a "new" believer.
This event could be described as a lucid vision. But little did I know, I was experiencing a different reality enter into my reality-the heavenly realm infiltrated my awareness.
I glanced at these men suspended above my bed. They looked like strong men with dark beards wearing white robes. Their expressions were different than ours. They seemed to be free from the cares and burdens of this world; free from the confines of time and death. I looked at the man to my left and observed his facial expression. He was focused and purposeful. He had a higher calling. I felt that he was operating on instructions-he was at work. (This almost appeared to be like a military guard base erected for my protection) His countenance seemed to display a clear foresight, unencumbered by the limitations of a human. I became so frightened from what I was witnessing that I burst back into my waking reality. I thought I had been sitting up during this whole event. But when awakened, I realized my physical body had never moved the covers off of my chest. I can relate to Paul when he said he did not know if he was in the body or out of the body...2 Corinthians 12:3
I was in Awe the next morning realizing that the God of the universe sent His resources to watch over and protect me! I was given a gift-but I felt unworthy. I asked myself, “ Why would God expend his resources on me?” He could have used those Angeles for other purposes. But instead, He sent them to me. Wow…What did I do to deserve this? I was humbled. I did not ask for this...
But I understand now, God shows no favoritism...Gal. 2:6. What He did for me, He does for all He calls "His children"...Some of us might be shown a sample of the inner workings of God, for whatever reason. But this I know is certain, He is actively working in the invisible realm to fulfill His purposes...Making us a part of His family.
Some time ago I also had something similar. Lying in bed and seeing at the end of my bed a being, was it Jesus or my guardian angel I don't know. I then looked to the left, through the wall. The wall and part of the ceiling were there but not there, I could see through at green rolling hills of grass, a tree and some flowers. My feeling was calm and wow. Praise Jesus!