Last night I had a dream that I was told by father to prepare. Many nations are going to be at war with each other. Sadly the United States will be one of them. My heart ache I could feel fathers thoughts and feelings. I was preparing my soul for what about to take place. In the palm of our fathers hands he had the world. In a corner I saw an arch angel with a rod struck the corner of the world. It looked like an earthquake that could not stop. You could hear the screams and cries and felt the fear. Crimes were taking place people killing each other it was havoc on earth. Father brought me to the desert it almost looked like Egypt. This is where the war was taking place. Father raised his hand and he waved it over this area. The ocean tide was raised and the water made landfall so fast that it killed everybody and nobody survived. I could feel that father was disappointed I could hear a faint whisper my children have all fallen away. Seek me and I shall save you. I woke up crying it reminded me of the Saddom and Gimmorah. When he sent his angels to save them and to not look back on what’s about to take place.
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