My dream on March 01, 2019:
I went into the bedroom where my child was now asleep, the clock said 8:30pm and out the west window I could see the sun beginning to set. I went back into the front room and instead of the room getting darker on the east side it was still lit as in the day hours. I looked out the east window and saw a HUGE planet, it was blue & white. It was so close that I could see the craters and the sky around it was as if it were still day when it should be night. I grabbed my camera and went back into the bedroom to record what I had seen. First the clock, sunset, child sleeping and then the this HUGE planet so close to earth. But as I was trying to get the camera leveled with the clock, it went black (digital), my child had woken and unplugged time. END.
So, to estimate the size of this planet's nearness to earth, looking out my window, the size would encompass the two houses across the tiny street, it was sooo close!
This is my second dream of the sky, my first dream is titled 'SUN & BLUE GREEN PLANET with RED CLOUD' and can be found in this forum.
Ona Vargas, thanks for sharing that with us. It is certainly something you will never forget. I have a feeling your green planet and my blue/green planet with red haze 'might' be the same, and possibly Planet X (Nibiru).
In my understanding, I don't think Planet X is Wormwood.
I think (I don't know) Planet X, or a planet may be 'the sign' seen in Luke 21:25-27 when men's hearts fail them for fear of what they see coming in the sky. When men hide in the caves in Rev 6:12-17. Rapture in that time frame, then wrath.
Wormwood doesn't come until later at the Third Trumpet in Rev 8:10-11. The description sounds like a nuclear missile with it's tail burning like a lamp/torch/candle. Nuclear waste does make water bitter and men do die from it now. It will be a massive event 1/3 of waters in the end.
If it's not a nuclear missile, my next thought is it could be a second pass of Planet X dropping it's red iron-oxide dust on the waters which could also make waters bitter, but there is no lamp/torch/candle, and it's not expected that Planet X would come around again so quickly.
I hope the little I know or understand is of help. It's good to throw out what we know, think, understand and observe, that's how we grow. Glean what you can, take it to the Lord and study the scriptures, searching for clues is so exciting because it is God who reveals to us!
May Jesus bless you and be with you and yours always.