I find it odd that all these dreams people are having are of a negative conotation. Two weeks ago I had a dream that I walked into a hotel lobby with what appeared to have a ceiling so high that it was endless and I couldn't see where it ended. There were endless amounts of people talking with one another and I just new this wasn't business based or vacation people. Out of the blue to my right some short guy with a beard and glasses invited me to sit at his table. There were plenty of empty round tables spread out in this area. I thought oh I guess God wants this guy to tell me something. Then a younger woman than me in her 30's roughly said, "Mark I need to talk to you," I responded okay give me a second, I'll be right with you." I go over to the guy who invited me to sit with him and told him I had to talk to this woman first, it appeared important I thought. I go over to the woman and we sit on the end of a bed in the hall. The bed looked like it was an advertisement placed there for people walking by. Those round tables had no chairs and there were not any other chairs or seats nearby where we were. So I sat down and she said real professionally. We're going to give you an upgrade. When I first walked into the lobby in this dream I felt one group of people were handing over non - material gifts of some sort to the people they were talking to. Maybe peoples' dreams will start to change to a more positive note and life as well, if people started praying for people and things on the fly as they go through their day. A quick prayer of support thrown a strangers' way may do more good than one realizes. Happy warring I suggest. And for the record I don't do New Age.
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