After the new year the world will change to fit a more set stage I Yahweh confess my son Jesus Christ came in the flesh and died on the cross, dying for all sin so that all whom repent and walk away from sins and believe upon the sacrifice of my son shall be saved and see eternity in heaven above.
Their will be famine, pestilences, plagues and blasphemies all coming straight from the evil one and his servants, freedoms will be limited and commonplace order will dissolve as well as a lack of communication between peoples. All this shall come sooner than you expect so come to me and my son now before you have no time left to learn to hear my still small voice in your lives. This servant serves me well and has built his way into my holy ones for teh Holy Spirit gave him much and asked of it in return.
I told him you have 3 months in October and at the end of December is the end of this deadline. Within this times he is being tested and the devil has no touch or hold of him at the moment for he rests in me fearing nothing. If you are not in a time of testing you will soon be for those who are mine for to gain the annointment you will recieve to gain authority and power in Christ you must be tested first against the adversary the devil satan. Some of you have denied the past tests and will not be walking in the full might of Christ. Some are appointed to die, others to die in enemy hands, and others still will fall short of the kingdom. I'd rather not see my children in the lake of fire for not repenting and returning wholeheartedly to me and my son to be safe in my presence under my wings.
Time is short and dangerous to waste. Prepare food water and medical supplies for the interim will soon be over.
Do not live this world or anything of it or you are not of me and my kingdom.
On my forty-sixth birthday I turned my life over to Jesus and professed that He was my only true spouse. Recently out of no where I received a notification that someone may be interested in me. I struggled in my heart for over two weeks but in the end I renounced it and professed to Jesus that he would remain in my heart forever and no one could ever take His place. Upon talking and praying through this I heard a still voice say “didn’t you know that this was a test”. In my heart I really did but maybe Jesus was testing me this one time last time like you said.