I dreamed I was on the first floor of a building looking out through very large windows at a city block. I had a knowing it was NYC and I heard, “It’s the Brooklyn Bridge.” I did not see the bridge nor do I know if something happened to it. I saw in front of me a giant skyscraper building completely collapse on the right side and fall to the ground. It just imploded somehow and created a lot of debris. The sky was very dark. I knew I could not go outside due to the debris.
Scene Changed: I then turned to walk away from the windows, and I see President Trump in his dark suit standing. I said to him, “You better come with me.” His mouth dropped open. I knew he needed to follow me, not sure where. I started to walk away and then turned back. I walked up to him and spoke very commandingly and shortly in tongues. The dream ended.
Interpretation/Thoughts: I did not have the bridge view, but believe it may be struck in some way. I believe telling the President to "Follow me" was not me directly, but only Jesus Christ who is in Me and guiding me. Only Jesus Christ is worthy of all our worship and devotion. Humans are his vessels to work through. Jesus Christ is King of Kings forever.
I prayed and journaled the following. I will share only a few things as some are personal.
9:11 AM. Surely all these things do come to pass.
Brace yourself.
You surely defeat all enemies in and through Me, your only Holy Saviour.
I then asked the Lord what he wanted me to do:
Q: Anything you want me to do?
A: Fortify your soul in Me forever and in the scriptures, help your fellow man where and when possible.
Walk with me forever and ever, I shall keep you forever and ever, Amen. 9:14 AM
Please feel free to share any interpretations as led by the Great Holy Spirit.
This is my 4th dream of President Trump.
Blessings to you all in Jesus Christ's Holy Name.
Isn't it uncanny, how many parallels! I didn't know either, but often find symbolism gets deeper, unfolds with research.