While falling asleep a few hours ago, my soul left my body and I heard a disembodied voice tell me that Trump wasn't the true president. Describing the experience of leaving my body: I was falling asleep and first I got the sense of weightlessness and energy in my body. Then I felt movement as if I was being pulled upward. I actually felt a lot of movement, like I was being jerked around in various directions, and I felt my limbs were bent in uncomfortable ways. I worried that I had fallen off of the couch I was laying on to the floor, that was how jerky the motion was, however the motion persisted for say over a minute. I also knew I was astral projecting, because the experience was similar to other experiences I have had, I wrote a little about it here: https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/lifeline/forum/your-dream-forum/vision-astral-projection Similarities with Astral Projection Astral projection is an experience induced by meditation where your soul leaves your body. While doing it, you will literally see an image of the world materialize out of the blackness of your closed eyes, as if you opened your eyes (but you haven't). Since you are in the spiritual world, many things will look the same as your home, but there will be differences - I sometimes see out of place objects - like trash on the floor - and spirits, moreover space doesn't work the same, for example going out the front door of your house could take you to a far away location. Note: Astral Projection is a NEW AGE practice. As a Christian/Mormon, I don't advocate for it, primarily because demonic entities will try to deceive you into believing new age religions whilst you do it. It also is bad because it is a form of witchcraft (I think) and nothing uplifting comes from it. Nevertheless, I have done it over ten times (out of curiosity, because I am dumb), so I know what it is like. The difference between this experience and a normal astral projection was that (for me) to astral project I have to meditate on my soul leaving my body for sometimes multiple hours before my soul actually leaves my body (and then it returns to my body without my actually falling asleep). This experience today rather happened suddenly to me - I wasn't trying to astral project, I was trying to fall asleep. However, the sense of weightlessness followed by jerky motion that I had during this experience is exactly the same with astral projection. What the voice said It told me that there was a shadow president behind the scenes that was over Trump, and that it has been like this for several years, there being some clause in the government / constitution allowing for this. I learned this shadow president was involved in the pharmaceuticals and their business (I think) had been awarded land in Missouri by the courts (somehow). I didn't ask the voice any questions because my experience is that moving any muscles at all ends astral projection experiences. Once you have a vision of the spirit world, moving your body is fine - since it is your spiritual body rather than the physical one - however, in my experience today I never saw a vision of the spirit world so assumed I shouldn't move. Reasons to believe the Voice is from a Demonic Entity I'm hung up on this question. I am 100% sure that this was a supernatural experience and not just in my mind, but I don't know if it is just a demonic entity trying to mess with me. Having a brother who turned transgender because demonic entities told him to while he was meditating, I know that one should be exceedingly skeptical of any supernatural experiences. I guess writing about the experience will help me to decide. My spiritual unpreparedness as a reason to believe it is a demonic entity: Basically all today/yesterday I have been very depressed because I had knowingly done something contrary to the will of God, and I'm worried I won't be worthy to be part of the 144,000. Beyond this, I have neglected reading my scriptures the last few days, and rather than listen to Christian podcasts, I've been listening to the darkest music I know - depeche mode. Moreover, my prayers have been very short "Dear heavenly father, I am sorry, in the name of Jesus Christ", and I have neglected to always pray for guidance during the day and been generally unproductive. Seeing the spiritual decline I have had, it seems unrealistic that I would be receiving any divine revelations at this time. Comparison to other experiences could imply a lack of divinity I didn't intend to write about this experience here because of its personal nature, however I now feel it is important to touch on it so as to illustrate the differences between my experiences: In this experience (about a month ago), I was waking up, and I heard the sound of an Angelic choir. I originally thought people were trying to wake me up with it, however when I woke up, I saw my room but it was golden, as if it was burnished with gold. Then a voice that was beautiful and sounded divine told me that I was called of God to climb over the wall and fight the enemy. After the voice stopped, I heard the choir again, and then I woke up. Contrast that experience to this experience, the voice I heard today didn't necessarily seem "beautiful", though I guess it seemed authoritative. I hate to say it, but the voice "might" have seemed sort of dark academic style authoritative (which of course would imply not divine because truly divine things never seem dark). I also didn't see anything today (my eyes were closed and I saw the normal blackness). Why would I receive spiritual experiences from Demonic Entities? Seeing that I willfully engaged in Astral Projection, I believe that may have opened the doors to Demonic Entities influencing me through that avenue. Moreover, my soul may have a "looser" connection with my body now, thus allowing greater communication between myself and other entities in the spirit world. Reasons to believe the Voice is from God Despite the spiritual decline for the last 3 days, for the last few weeks I have been making a concerted effort to seek revelation. I was reading my scriptures out loud 2x a day, praying all the time, asking to be lead in my dreams, and listening to Christian music and podcasts. I also started following the sabbath (for the first time in my life) and paying tithing, and generally was being a much better disciple than I was a year ago. I also believe I am more likely to receive revelations because God knows that whenever I do, I will remember them and post about them with detail. I feel God doesn't want me to read the news. Nevertheless, sometimes I have, because I am a poor follower. These are some interesting items: Elon musk's son says Trump is not president https://www.financialexpress.com/trending/youre-not-the-president-what-did-elon-musks-son-say-to-trump-netizens-wild-theories-will-leave-you-in-splits/3750838/ Trump calling off tariffs on Canada for strange reasons https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movements_for_the_annexation_of_Canada_to_the_United_States#Proposals_to_annex_Canada_by_Donald_Trump On February 1, 2025, President Trump announced 25% Tariffs on all Canadian goods, that would take effect on February 4, 2025; this decision was met with anger by Canadian officials.[66] The following day on February 2, taking to Truth Social, Trump reaffirmed his desire to annex Canada in a statement saying that Canada should become the "Cherished 51st State" promising no tariffs and guaranteeing their military security if they do.[67] On February 3, after postponing the tariffs, Trump seemed to acknowledge it would be a long shot, saying some unnamed people don't have a threshold for pain.[68] This quote from Wikipedia is a bit off - Trump seems to have let his policy be affected by people who have opinions that Trump doesn't like - namely they don't have pain tolerance. This seems indicative of other people having the power to prevent Trump from imposing tariffs. Does Trump act like an actor? Conclusions I believe it is more likely that this experience is divine rather than a demonic distraction, however I am not totally sure. Even if there is a shadow president, that doesn't necessarily mean Trump is an actor - Trump might still think he is president and not understand that the deep state is controlled by someone else. I definitely feel sort of crazy right now.
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I didn't say much on the Trmp theories...
Someone explained T's behavior as consistent with his book, "Art of the Deal."
If he needs more leverage, he increases the uneasiness, so it prods people to negotiate.
I believe that may have opened the doors to Demonic Entities influencing me through that avenue.
You can shut doors.
Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
A lot of members here listen to Derek Prince-- are you familiar with him? He's solid in advice on discerning and standing against supernatural trickery.
Moreover, my soul may have a "looser" connection with my body now.
That is likely, IMO. Ask God for help! He knows a lot more about this stuff.
Ye have not because ye ask not. Oh yeah.
Don't let fear of God rejecting you, keep you from freedom. Religion puts a lot of "shoulds" in our way. God asks us to apologize and try again -- like children of His would be able to.
We do not lose our ties to Him, but we do get put in "time out" once in a while.
On apparitions ... I am relieved that I have not had a vivid visitation, as I can imagine how real and convincing that must be. The Bible refers to "angels of light," -- and also angels/messengers... how do we know for sure?
Several world religions reportedly began with a very real-seeming visitation. These religions conflicted with each other. Historical records also show other people facing foreign god-like beings.
I've been in churches where people were "given" opposing prophecies.
For me, I boil down the message to -- why would I have been told? What and who should I pray for? Does it line up with scriptures?
I'm not sure I'd even trust "beautiful" as enough evidence, or even peaceful... especially in a different state of mind. Ask yourself what "angel of light" might look like. Light enough to trick people.
Have you ever listened to LA Marzulli? He researches historical things with spiritual impact. It might seem off topic, but look for his research on ancient dieties/"men of renown" living on earth.
Jesus paid the price for our sins once, for all.
We frequently sin, daily, some constantly. And yet He continues to forgive us, to see us as His children.
Interesting about presidency, as I heard several people say that about the last administration.
Something about one overseeing the military (or part of), and one being the figurehead. Also loads of documentation that a previous president was seen so often at the White House, that they thought he had taken over.
Those things can be looked up-- I remember a couple of the source hosts, but not the specific interviews.