Hello everyone. I have a prayer requests for myself and others. 1. Please pray for me for healing because i am at least at risk of glaucoma, which leads to blindness. And that i may stay in one hundred percent in my walk with THE LORD how HE wants me to. That I may keep growing spiritually everyday how THE LORD wants me to. That I may not stay stagnant with my walk with THE LORD, and to be the prayer warrior HE wants me to be, and also the "dragon slayer" HE wants me to be, to go against the devil for we have been given and authority from JESUS over all the power of the enemy. Luke 10:19 "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
And that the LORD may take away when i feel at times of not wanting what is good to happen in some way shape or form that stops me from praying for something at times, like repentance in the apartment complex i live in. That i may stop wanting to be the only one who is right with GOD around me, which goes along with wanting to be the only or the first one who does something and not wanting anyone else to. MAY THE LORD WORK IN ME TO TAKE THAT OUT OF ME. PLEASE FATHER.
2. Pray for my brother, and cousin that lives here in the same city i do, that they will believe that GOD is real and have a good relationship with him.
3. For my mother: An increase of faith and that the LORD will help her unbelief and for healing of her whole digestive system completely. That her bone density may increase, and whatever problem that she has with regard to her pelvic floor may all get healed in THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.
4. For my father: That he may get out of the lukewarmness that he is in and healing of his knee and losing weight. For my aunt: That she may repent from honoring THE LORD with her mouth, but yet her heart is far from HIM, because of her lying and ungodly conduct of her personality and ways.
5. That there may be repentance in the apartment complex that i live in. A breaking of any kind of spiritual stronghold here where i live for all my neighbors and myself, whether a stronghold contributing to any kind of addiction, anger, unbelief, weak faith, wavering of faith, lust, greed, malice, a heart far from GOD, hypocrisy, partiality, being two faced, bitterness, any other ungodly thing that does not produce the righteousness of GOD, IN JESUS MIHGTY NAME.
Thanks for writing this in a way we can pray right through the paragraphs.
"That i may stop wanting to be the only one who is right with GOD around me...".
I've been convicted of this too-- especially in younger years. Maybe we all do it?
It certainly keeps good news from spreading.
We can walk ourselves out of it:
Pray, expecting God to work for others; do kind acts for others; live more sacrificially (although that can get competitive too); share with others how God is working in our lives.
While asking His Holy Spirit to change self-centeredness in us.
Also, talk to God about whether a fellowship is amping up our competitiveness -- it might be that everyone is clamoring, yearning to have a voice; while only a few are given a platform to express, vocalize.