these messages are short so i'm putting them together.
1. I was woken up one night with the words "psalm 106" written on my eyelids - I don't know how to explain it - my eyes were closed but the words were in front of my eyes as though I was reading them plainly in a book. the psalm is about the exodus and standing in the gap. when I prayed for confirmation, a pastor a couple of days later said, "God led me to psalm 106". so it does seem to be significant in our current time?
2. I was woken up one night with the words "the common law wife and the true bride". I prayed about this and felt the message was that the true bride has no fear of abandonment; she is expected to be fruitful and multiply, it's part of her purpose; she has an inheritance; she is loved and cherished and will stop at nothing to please her husband; she has responsibilities as given in proverbs etc.; she has entered into a covenant. I was given Isaiah 54v5-7: for your maker is your husband, the lord of hosts is his name; and the holy one of Israel is your redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called. for the lord has called you like a wife deserted and grieved in spirit, like a wife of youth when she is cast off, says your God. for a brief moment I deserted you, but with great compassion I will gather you.
it goes on to say 'this is like the days of Noah to me', which I felt so significant in our time. I found this instruction very encouraging, to realise that we are the true bride and not a common law wife - we have intimacy with our maker, and whatever comes, he will not break his covenant.
Thank you! Here is PSALMS 106