For those of you that are doing a February Fast with me, I thought I would start a thread to share what ever the LORD lays on your heart during this month. Whether it be a Scripture verse, a video, a message or anything else that is nudging at your heart and spirit.....share it here!
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! " Psalms 133:1

God is faithfully honoring the minimal fast I've been on. He has answered a prayer I've had and brought to my heart a deeper understanding of His love for us. I'd never realized that we are Christ's reward. I've never wanted to dwell much on the rewards He will be bringing with Him for us. But I'd never realized that little ol' us are HIS reward! Yes, I know we're His bride, etc. But I'd not realized that we are actually part of that joy that was set before Him to endure the cross.... He's been preparing for Himself a bride as HIS reward from all those the Father has given Him.
Isaiah 62:5 (GNT)
Like a young man taking a virgin as his bride, He who formed you will marry you. As a groom is delighted with his bride,
So your God will DELIGHT in you.
Ephesians 5:25b-27 (GNT)
Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. 26 He did this to dedicate the church to God by his word, after making it clean by washing it in water, 27 in order to present the church to HIMSELF in all its beauty—pure and faultless, without spot or wrinkle or any other imperfection.
This realization of such an overwhelming love is decreasing the instances when my fleshly pride and selfcentered-ness try to rear up its ugly head. PTL! A wonderful song:
I've learned something about fasting. Because I did most of my passionate (long and limited) fasts in my earlier, more carefree years, fasts sometimes now bring a sense of dread that I won't be able to successful complete them. I feel blessed that God lead me into fasting early in my life because I learned that it sensitized me to His Spirit and seems to thin the "veil" into hearing Him speak. I try to fast routinely, but when asked to do a prolonged fast I get that "try not to think about food" syndrome early and it's a struggle. I carefully agreed with the Lord about this particular fast. Soon after, I heard a radio program that spoke about fasting with blood sugar in mind and decided to do one egg and a low glycemic fruit smoothy for breakfast and wait four hours before eating again as my fast. Just a half day committment eating food I enjoyed, but limited and eating normally, (which includes my struggle with rebound- fast gorging) for the rest of the day.
I had begun to suspect some time ago that the amount of time with fasting mattered. It also seemed that the more "severe" or limited the fast, the less time was required for a breakthrough in prayer. I forgot this was a 21 day fast and simply committed to fasting through the month of February, starting on the 2nd. Given the fact that I was not starving myself or doing much limiting at all, I figured I would not get much in the way of any specific results, nor did I have any one specific prayer request in mind, but continued with my normal prayer list and daily requests. I was surprised to have heard the Lord speak with clarity (wish I'd written it down...). When I counted the days I had been fasting, there had been ten. I know ten is a biblical number, but until I searched it, I didn't realize it was used so often. I means "order of completion" according to some. Last night was day 20 and I literally felt a tap on my shoulder in the middle of the night. Thinking it was one of my kids I grunted and looked around to see no one. "The Blood of Jesus and Fire of the Holy Ghost!" I said out loud, just in case... Then I heard "It's time to flee", "interview", and "pray for Seaside". Praise God! Some clear confirmation of things that God had spoken to me in the past. Clear and undeniable! I had a dream of chickens. Some of whom were safely in the chicken coop in the evening, and others that had failed to make it into the coop were torn to bits. I had a knowing that this represented those who failed to make it into the Secret Place of the Most High in the coming trouble ahead.
I now know that God honors fasting done committedly in any small capacity. I have to take myself out of the equation and realize that I serve a Faithful God who keeps His promises. I've decided to press for a 40 day fast to see what a subsequent ten day period or two will bring. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
Half way mark. He is with me stronger in every weak moment. I'm holding onto You Abba. Grant me strength! It's been a bit more challenging with birthday parties and all kinds of goodies all around me daily! It should be no surprise, the temptations coming at me. I take that as a good sign that this is definitely affecting our enemy so keep your chins up daughters and sons of The Most High. Be encouraged in the battle!
Tomorrow is the half way point to the end of February......and for those who are doing a 21 day Daniel Fast, you are only 8 days away from finishing it!
Let's not grow weary, but continue to the finish line, dear brothers and sisters!
I hope to hear from some of you on how your fasting is going, and what the LORD is doing in your life during this time. For me, I have been getting HUGE revelations about the Book of Revelation! Studying the WORD has become amplified in a greater measure this month!! PRAISE JESUS!!!
" The wicked will see (the righteous) and be vexed, they will gnash their teeth and waste away; the longings of the wicked will come to nothing. " Psalms 112:10
A very DIFFERENT worship song!!!
I was going back over my journal of the things that the LORD has given me in the last couple of weeks, and I noticed that I had received a word in the middle of the night on the first day of our fasting, February 1st!
The LORD woke me up and then I heard this (I always keep a pen and paper right next to my pillow!):
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalms 46:1
Hi I'm joining in Daniel's fast giving up choice food over February's month. Praying for repentance in our government authorities and all around us. We know God hears and acts on behalf of those that trully seek him. Blessings
I had such a beautiful encounter with The Lord on Monday night! I was listening to a teaching actually it was this one
And The Lord's Glory and Presence just manifested in such a powerful, magnificent way that I had to share it with you all.
I've held regret over my past. I've grieved and repented over it many times yet am reminded of it and the grief I feel over knowing in those moments I hurt The One I love most, my Heavenly Father.
I wanted to thank you all for your prayers because I received a break through here in a mighty way on Monday.
I'm looking for that completed work here to be released completely but I know from my visitation that He broke things loose that have been with me for over 13 years. His Presence was so tangible in such a beautiful way. He let me know in that moment that I'm loved and that He's only wanting for my good, to pour out on me His goodness, blessings and favor.
Because I didn't have the eyes to see the Truth that I'm forgiven and He's only wanting for my good. I was unknowingly blocking His blessings and His love from breaking through.
My prayer is that our past as Paul said in Philippians 3:13 forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to what's before him and pressing toward the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
That our pasts will not dictate our futures. That as Paul and others in The Word. We are forgiven! Set free by the blood of Yeshua, Jesus Christ.
"Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy.
7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.
8 The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.
9 Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever.
Psalm 28:6-9
Thank you sister Elizabeth, that was awesome!
Here is some info on a Daniel Fast:
I have been doing intermittent water fasting for a while now and am continuing in Feb. I am praying for basically the same things you all are. I pray for repentance for family, friends and this country, and it's leadership. Also for protection for all brothers and sisters in Christ and that the unsaved will see the light. I pray for protection from the violence and extreme weather and even for the poor animals that the weather affects. I pray for the Harvest and sing to the Holy Spirit everyday.
Holy Spirit, rain on our fields let the windows of Heaven be opened until, until the Harvest is ripe and your kingdom's fulfilled, Holy Spirit rain on our fields.
Though I will post this as a new post as well, I wanted to share it here too. It relates to Elizabeth's most recent video about the angels and the scroll. Regarding the "Angels", the Greek for angel means messanger, and can also refer to a in the context of the verse in Revelation where it says, "To the angel of the church of.......write". Those things written to the angles of the seven churches, were written to the Pastors, and where to be shared among each of them and with their congregations. Also, just this morning, I was led to make a picture using a partly darkened earth (lower left corner) as seen from space, and a call to America to repent of abortion in red letters over the earth. You mentioned the angles holding hands, and in the picture, I mention that if all the aborted babies in America since Roe vs. Wade had been allowed to live and grew to adulthood, and if they all HELD HANDS (mentioned in your dream), they would cover a distance equal to 2 3/4 times around the earth at the equator! Unless America repents from this dark practice, America will be darkened! Here is a copy of the picture, but I have also included a link below to the facebook post.
Also, something I was asking the Lord to show us, is more glimpses of heaven, so that we could know God's will about what to bring to earth "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". This morning, though I could not remember any of the dreams I had last night, as I prayed, the vision I received was of my wife, abortion survivor and pro-life speaker Carrie Fischer, and her arms began to transform into airplane wings. Though you did not see wings on your 5 angels, all this reminds me of a shared vision my wife and I had the same morning at 5 am in our respective time zones (she was in Houston, Texas, and I was in Maryville, Tennessee) about a month before we got married. In my vision, I saw Carrie climbing down an invisible ladder, dressed as she would be for her husband. As I prayed about that vison, the Lord told me, "Receive your angel". In Carrie's vision, she was climbing down a ladder made of pearl, and she saw me at the base of the ladder dressed as her husband, and in the vision, the Lord said, "It's time". On of our long term visions, is named after our first of two miscarried children. The "Zion Benjamin International Memorial for the Unborn", which involves numerous things, but the first, is establishing a world wide chain of what was originally 50 million safety pins on some date in the future. Obviously this would not be an unbroken chain given roads, water, mountains, and so on, but the idea was to document these world wide chains with still pics, video, and so forth, then edit all that down to a reasonable size, and send that edited content to all the legistlatures of the world as a united Jericho type shout to end abortion. From their, the safety pins would be collected, and tastefully placed in artistic fashion in various permanant memorials in various countries around the world, along with other life affirming works of art, poetry, music, etc. So yes...we need to continue to fast and pray as God leads, but I believe we also need to take some kind of positive, tangible action that goes along with what we have prayed. Here is the link to the facebook picture I mentioned above.
For you
The fast God has laid on our hearts is something even we do not totally yet understand, but that fast is between us and the Lord, so we won't be sharing the specifics. That said, I received a word this morning that I would like to share with all of you. God states in Psalm 91, that for those who make the Most High God their dwelling place, that only with their eyes will the see the reward of the wicked. With the recent wicked law passed in New York that allows abortion up to the time of natural birth, and which allows babies who survive abortions to be left to die hungry, cold, and alone with no medical care, two of my three dreams last night relate to that reward. In the first of those two dreams, I saw a massive compost heap under construction. In the second dream, a three armed mixing paddle had been intalled in the center of the compost heap, and was turning, grinding the trash into very fine soil with a horrible stench to it, like the stench of our modern landfills if you have ever been to one.
The verse that really stood out to me regarding stench, is the following.
Joel 2:20 - “But I will remove far from you the northern army, And will drive him away into a barren and desolate land, With his face toward the eastern sea And his back toward the western sea; His stench will come up, And his foul odor will rise, Because he has done MONSTROUS things.”
The surrounding verses speak about the blessings that come upon the people of God, but the reward of the wicked who do not repent, is certain!!! Please share with all your friends and warn the to turn from their wicked ways and find forgiveness in Jesus!
I have a book of Scriptures that I have put together of important verses that have spoken to me over the last few years. Today I opened it during my time with the LORD, and my eyes fell on Numbers 10:9! WOW! It really spoke to me during this time of fasting and repentance that we are doing!
“When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the LORD your God, and you will be saved from your enemies." Numbers 10:9
So, after reading it, I went and got my shofar and blew it 3 times and claimed the verse!!! If you have a shofar, sound a blast for our country, our cities and our homes to be saved from our enemies!