I cannot remember the beginning of the dream except we were looking for a lady, who was either lost or missing?
I was in a house unfamiliar to me, with four other people. Suddenly, out of nowhere a Tornado was upon us, so I directed everyone to move into this specific room, I then turned out the lights, and told everyone to get on their knees and start praying. The house was shaking and from the window (it was closed but had no curtain’s), we could see the Tornado’s destruction going on outside. I was shaken and afraid in my dream and could feel my body being shaken to the core. I woke up.
Not sure but believe this is another judgement coming upon the earth. In other words, we're not out of the woods yet.
Yes I agree. I have several friends that have recently had tornado dreams and visions. They latest tornado dream was a night ago. The same conclusions were reached. Judgements but not to fear the storm but to keep eyes on Jesus.