I would like to remind everyone on here to keep your mind on Christ and focus on Him. Yes He gives us dreams and visions but many are being distracted away from Christ alone. Jesus asked us to watch for His return and to notice the signs of the times. He doesn’t want us to become obsessed with it. We must understand that if we are focusing on Christ then we will be exactly where we are meant to be and He will guide and direct us. Perfect love casts out all fear. Christ is all that matters. He is our ark in the flood. If we take our eyes off of Him and obsess over this end times stuff then we are making an idol. Understand what time we are in. Be aware and press into The Savior like never before. Teach others that intimacy with Jesus Christ is what will save them from what is and what is to come. This is the solution to the chaos. God bless you all as you seek His face alone!
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Thanks sister Marie,
I am very much appreciated for your blog and wish your messages to be reached out more people all around the globe. My wriiten message is need for some corrections in grammar or sentence structures, please consider them. My prime purpose is to let people out there know God's impending judgments to wicked people and warn them to repent and believe in His Son Jesus.
May the Lord Jesus bless your blog and your efforts for His glory.
Yes and amen! With Christ in us their is always a good report to be had as we trust in Him and His promises to give us beauty for our ashes . The hard part is to allow Him to help us get our eyes off of the winds and sea . As we get used to trusting in His power to take care of all of our needs (supernaturally) it just becomes the only way to live..He is sooo Faithful ! :-D
Thank you for the encouragement; when you are in a storm it's definitely harder to see the Master of the Sea who calms the waves and rebukes the wind.
Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing 💗
My Granddaughter wrote this poem this week about keeping our focus on Christ only..Now more than ever we need to keep our focus on Christ within, staying safe and warm from all that the carnal mind and this life wants to dump on us.
Lying Weather man
Are the skies cloudy? Lord? Are the skies blue? Cuz this weatherman is telling me what's coming through. He says it will rain, look out for the clouds. So bring an umbrella, the thunder could get pretty loud. I'll stand my ground, I see no storms around. All I see is the sun shining down on my face. Where are these clouds you claimed? Where is the violent rain? Coz the lord said it was clear skies ahead. No, I don't hear thunder at all, there is no puddle to cause my fall, so I'll set my table out in the light, before your throne. there is no fight to win. I'm clean of my sin. So no more pain and no more rain for me. I'm gonna be who I see in you nothing remains for me to prove. You calmed the seas amidst the rage, you ended the storm, released me from my cage. Lord, I don't see thunder at all, that weatherman made the wrong call, so no more fire and no more lying weathermen.
Amen to both, I had stepped away from these things over a week ago after prayer and know instinctively by the Holy Spirit that I was not to continue setting my eyes upon evil; it's causes weariness.
Thank you Jennifer. I can confirm this warning. About 4 days ago or so after reading responses to some dreams on here, I suddenly felt strongly against some statements, which surprised me. I realised It was the Lord's righteous anger or rebuke stirring up within me. I didn't comment on here immediately, thinking I would bide my time to find the right words. However I believe you have listened and responded quickly to the pressing of the Holy Spirit.
Pray and seek the Lord, draw close to Him. He is our provider in all things. There are many well meaning people responding and commenting but we all need to realise the Lord provides dreams and visions as well as the interpretations thereof - think of Joseph and Daniel. We need to be sensitive to His leading so that we do not cause confusion or division. He will provide the answers, it can not come from ourselves.
May the Holy Spirit lead us to His Truth and keep us on the straight and narrow.