It has been a while since I've posted on here, but I thought I'd share today, because I believe this dream is significant. I had been having trouble remembering dreams that I was having. So anywho, I asked the Lord if there was anything he wanted to show me in a dream, to help me remember it when I awoke. Last night I had a dream that I was in what looked like an office, and a message flashed across the t.v. screen, like when they do the emergency test for weather alerts, and so on. The message said "Warning get your families to a safe place!", I saw my neighbors from my mom's old neighborhood, and they had left in her teuck, and came back. Someone asked me did I have a place to go to, or did I know where I was going to go, and I said "no", but I have my kid's backpacks packed. Not sure what seeing the old neighbors had to do with my dream, but in reality I don't have an official place to go, but I do have my kid's backpacks packed. I will pray more about a place to go to for safety, if we are to go anywhere.
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