On September 28, 2014 I had a dream after a rough night of pray and restlessness in my spirit.
In the dream i was standing in my back yard in a rural location with someone and we both saw a plane crash and it landed upside down. No fire or explosion occurred. A box fell out an announced the US Navy will be here in 65 minutes. Then we walked inside the plane to look for survivors. The plane was empty but intact there were four patients on the plane and isolation or in ICU secluded area and we went in to see them but told them you cannot leave yet. It is only been 30 minutes we had 35 minutes left.
The interpretation of this dream things are going to be turned upside down in the military can't stop it a crisis will hit America and they won't see it coming. Many will be sick and isolated from help because of this crash. The remnant has the ability to walk into a crisis and things will turn around and we can bring healing food and restoration for their health and Life to a few during this crisis. The government and Military can't give them the help we can give them through Jesus we will have time to help before it's too late but not very much time.