I would like to remind everyone on here to keep your mind on Christ and focus on Him. Yes He gives us dreams and visions but many are being distracted away from Christ alone. Jesus asked us to watch for His return and to notice the signs of the times. He doesn’t want us to become obsessed with it. We must understand that if we are focusing on Christ then we will be exactly where we are meant to be and He will guide and direct us. Perfect love casts out all fear. Christ is all that matters. He is our ark in the flood. If we take our eyes off of Him and obsess over this end times stuff then we are making an idol. Understand what time we are in. Be aware and press into The Savior like never before. Teach others that intimacy with Jesus Christ is what will save them from what is and what is to come. This is the solution to the chaos. God bless you all as you seek His face alone!
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Thanks sister Marie,
I am very much appreciated for your blog and wish your messages to be reached out more people all around the globe. My wriiten message is need for some corrections in grammar or sentence structures, please consider them. My prime purpose is to let people out there know God's impending judgments to wicked people and warn them to repent and believe in His Son Jesus.
May the Lord Jesus bless your blog and your efforts for His glory.