Brothers & Sisters in Messiah Yeshua, God can send messages of warnings through our sports events. The Father quickened my spirit immediately after the Toronto Raptors won this year’s Basketball championship. Their slogan “We the North” put me on alert status. I remained silent on this but now I know that this slogan is a warning to the body of Believers. “We the North” defeated the West. Sister Elizabeth Marie’s latest post about the Bear from the North clarifies my “vision.” Something or someone is coming from the North. I don’t know what or who. However, the West will face a battle to “hold on to her title.” I don’t know if that’s the U.S. or Israel. However, we must pray without ceasing- 1 Thessalonians 5: 17. Also note that the NE Patriots also won this year’s Super Bowl. They are also a Northeast team. Shalom shalom mishpacha. Pray of all those in authority- 1 Tim.2:1-8, Titus 3:1-8.
About a year ago the Lord repeatedly pointed out Jeremiah 4 to me. If you read a chapter or two before you get a full picture: the Lord was rebuking Israel at that time and sending them destruction from the north. At the time the Lord had highlighted these chapters to me He had been showing me many things regarding America but I couldn't see how Jeremiah 4 was linked to America. I prayed and asked the Lord to show me what he was pointing out to me. Not long after He showed me Jeremiah 3:8 and gave me Ezekiel 23. Here it spoke of prostitute sisters. The Lord then showed me how Israel and America are two sisters. They both have followed the same path of evil and the Lord will send disaster from the north.