May 21 2019, 11:22 pm
My child there is not much time left, I am seeking my children, I am seeking those who seek me, I am blessing those who bless me and call upon my name, yes My Great Name, for I am God, Yahweh Jairah, Jehovah, the Great I am, the Everlasting, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who was who is and is to come. I am coming! I am coming with great speed. I am ready but my people are not. I can no longer wait, I have already waited long enough. They hear me but they do not listen to my call, they know me, yet they know me not at all for they have listened to lies. Their ears have been tickled and they prefer it so. I am coming like a freight train, hard and fast. Everyone will know it is me, there will no longer be any doubt, yet my people will not all hear and follow for they have fallen asleep, they have fallen short, for my Glory is great and they have failed to reach for it, to me, their King, their Father in heaven who loves them, who died for them, and yes who would do it again if it were necessary, but it is not. FINAL! I am done, I have completed it all.
Now go my children, do not sleep any longer, do not slumber in your beds, holding your eyes closed against the light, for I am the light, I am the Light of the World who cometh straight for you! Yes I come for you! You are my sheep, I am your shepherd, you are my flock and I am coming for my fold. Those who obey my Word and my commands will not perish but live an everlasting life. I come for you, I love you, you my people, my sheep, my fold, for I Yahweh, the Great I Am love you deeply. My heart cries out for the lost, my lost sheep WILL be found but sadly many others are lost, lost to this world who invites them with tickles, with comfort, not sorrow as my sheep have to suffer, though the great suffering, the greater suffering will not fall on my own but rather the wrath of God will send this world reeling. I am a forgiving God but the people do not seek forgiveness, they seek joy rides, laughter and fun, the things of this world, but this world will soon come to an end. Yes , I said come to an end. The end is nigh. The end is here at your doorstep. REPENT!
Repent my people for the lack of repentance is great among the people. They think they do not need me but they are very wrong and soon they will see. Yes they will see that they need me and that it is far too late. I have called, I have warned. The warnings have gone out but now, now I come and its final.
Blessed are those who seek me in this little time that's left. I will be found for I answer all knocks on my door, no not one is left unanswered. Call me, call on me so that I might bring you peace in this time that lies ahead.
Be blessed my people. Go be disciples, be fishers of men.
I am with you till the end.
All love, from the loving Father in Heaven, Shalom to you.
Your Abba, Father
-After receiving this word, I felt lead to read some scripture and I opened to
Jeremiah 23, the next morning I got Micah 2 which seems to connect.
I also looked up the word Jairah.
*Jairah or Jireh = YHWH-Yireh, meaning 'Yahweh will provide' (Genesis 22:13-14)
This is a beautiful word from the Lord, Our Brother, Yeshua! Thank you for sharing.