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SERIOUS EARTHQUAKE WARNINGS: Liquefaction/New Madrid Fault/ Dividing of the Land

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

The LORD has show me, many times, about the EARTHQUAKES that are coming to the U.S.  First, I was shown, in a DREAM, about the one coming to the West Coast, that will BREAK OFF THE LAND INTO THE SEA. I have, also, been shown several times about  the New Madrid Fault.

 In April of this year, I received a vision, that I posted on 4/17/24, about the

New Madrid Earthquake.  In that dream, I saw an OUTLINE of a MAP of the United States.  Almost in the middle of the map, there was a large RED BULLSEYE TARGET, that was PULSATING on and off.  Then I saw smaller red targets, on the map, that were up and down the East Coast United States.  My und erstanding was that this represented a New Madrid Earthquake that was coming..... as well as several ATTACKS on Eastern part of the U.S.  I believe that it is connected with the dividing of the land of Is rael.  As Is rael will be divided, so shall America!!! 

I now have two more visions to share concerning EARTHQUAKES that are coming.  One is an OPEN VISION….where I was wide awake when I received it.  I have only received a few OPEN VISIONS before….so I know that they are HIGH ALERT WARNINGS!!



 On 5/5/24, in the late afternoon, I was standing on my back porch talking to a friend.  While we were talking, we were leaning on the porch railing, while looking out over my lawn and trees.

 Suddenly, I see the green grass come ‘alive,’ as it starts moving to and fro,  like waves in the sea. Not only the grass, but the ground started rippling up and down, flowing towards the porch.  After watching in shock, for a few short seconds or minutes (not sure for how long), I then shook my head, and came out of the vision. 

I then heard this word, in my spirit:




I knew what this word meant, but wanted to check to find the exact meaning.  Sure enough, it relates to what can happen to the land after a large earthquake,  It is when the ground turns to a liquid-type substance.  The USGS explains it further:

"Liquefaction takes place when loosely packed, water-logged sediments at or near the ground surface lose their strength in response to strong ground shaking. Liquefaction occurring beneath buildings and other structures can cause major damage during earthquakes" [1]


I knew that the LORD was REALLY trying to get my attention, concerning these upcoming earthquakes that are coming to the United States, as well as around the world.


In Matthew 24:7-8, JESUS says that the BIRTH PANGS, are the BEGINNING OF SORROWS, that precede HIS COMING....which include earthquakes.  While there have always been earthquakes.... the END-TIME EARTHQUAKES will be quite different.  They will greatly increase in frequency, and intensity, and will bring incredible damage.

"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and EARTHQUAKES in various places.
“All these are the beginning of sorrows.”  Matthew 24:7-8


Then, on 6/20/24, I had another dream vision:  I saw a HUGE LEG AND the HOOF of a HORSE, that was lifted up in the air.  I did not see the whole horse….just the leg and hoof.

 Suddenly, I saw the HOOF come pounding down on the ground, like a hammer….  And it shook the land!

Instantly, I saw the land turned into BROWNISH JELLO… became like a thick liquid that was wobbling back and forth...just like jello in a bowl!

When I woke up, I immediately remembered the Open Vision I had, and the word ‘LIQUEFACTION.’ 

I believe that this horse could represent an APOCALYPTIC HORSE from Revelation 6....for when the 6th Seal is opened, there is a HUGE EARTHQUAKE that shakes the earth:


“I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon[became like blood.”  Revelation 6:12


These are WARNINGS that I continue to pass on as a WATCHWOMAN on the WALL.  I report what I see, and hear from the LORD, so HIS people will not be shocked or unprepared.  The LORD does nothing unless HE reveals them to HIS people first!!!

"I will stand my watch
And set myself on the rampart,And watch to see what He will say to me,
And what I will answer when I am corrected.Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:2-3

'Surely the Lord GOD does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.' Amos 3:7 


[picture credit:]



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