I received this message on 1/4/21 while praying concerning the WITNESSES. I then did a short bible-study on the WITNESSES, and posted it HERE as PART 2.
Here is what I heard:
“Tell MY people to JUMP FOR JOY because MY arrival is very soon!
I waited a bit, and then heard this:
"The world is about to collapse, and very little will be left. The end of all things is near....Get your ‘spirit-man’ ready!
Look up, for your HELP and SALVATION draws near! (Psalms 79:9)
Do not waste time .....GIVE ME YOUR TIME!
As the ‘monster from the sea' RISES.... so do MY ANOINTED ONES! They will bring GREAT POWER with them. These are MY witnesses of Revelation. These are the ones that 'they' (tptb) are trying to destroy, before they come forth in MY POWER.
Their efforts will fail!
MY POWER and GLORY will be revealed through MY WITNESSES! They will proclaim justice, righteousness and holiness!
They will confront people of their sin, for the HOLY SPIRIT will be strong through them!
They will not rest until there mission is done – then I will take them home!
The SHOWDOWN is coming!
The COUNTDOWN has begun
Gird your loins protect yourselves with HIS armor (Ephesians 6:10-20)
Put on MY FULL ARMOR, and wait or your instructions!
All MY true children will play a part in this final SHOWDOWN!
Encourage one another as long as it is daytime!
Soon complete darkness will come, but it will not put out the lights of MY PEOPLE! Keep that light burning!
Your Savior,
I then asked about the 144,000, and I heard:
"These are those who walk blamelessly before ME. Thought they are not perfect, they have no idols before ME. They are pure in their devotion! They are willing servants ready to be used. They have no guile, nor greed, but only devotion towards ME. Soon they will emerge on the scene! "
Then I heard:
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
The Beast is literally Rising From the Sea .... Leviathan...
What interesting timing for this discovery to be announced?
Largest most complete 'Sea Dragon' ever found:
..."The fossil has been dated to about 180 million years ago and measures 10 meters in length with a skull weighing about a ton. Two incomplete and much smaller ichthyosaurs were found in the same reserve in the 70s, but this discovery is the largest complete ichthyosaur discovered in Britain."
If relevant to 144,000 science 444,000 x 1 electron = 1 nuclear unit, Angels created are nuclear stars, humans created are electrons. Scroll "Angels 444,000 times in advance of humans". Prophet God imprisoned denied food for month, stomach shrank to size egg. He Prophetize "You denied me food, your land will be dry no crops food". Soon no rain drought dried crops, farmer on Texas TV news held soil turn to dust. 'Will not rain 2 witnesses' Revelation 11:6 Prophet "2 witnesses soul sealed in Christ and Holy Spirit". God codes Prophecies so Satan's evil humans in confusion, impossible infinite gods decode, only Holy Spirit decodes. "Whometh hath not faith Jah in confusion" in madness cry nurse hospital pills