MESSAGE: (received on 5/13/21)
In the middle of the night I was awoken to these words:
I then went back to sleep, and when I woke up in the morning, I started immediately hearing a message from the LORD, before I even opened my eyes. Here is what I heard:
"They have defiled their bodies. The body is a temple for the MOST HIGH GOD to dwell in....for those who accept......it is a place for the HOLY SPIRIT. (1 Corinthians 3:16)
However, the HOLY SPIRIT can leave a temple, when HE is not wanted, or if great sin abides there.
These two cannot reside there at the same time....a SPIRIT OF GOD, (I then heard the word, "GOODNESS") and the spirit of pollution. They are incongruent and diametrically opposed to each other!
Their time is up and there is no going back. Will they repent of their ways.....for NOT seeking ME on all matters? Very few I tell you will. Instead they will rejoice in their folly , and revel in their ignorance.
Their deception is great, and their delusion has blinded their eyes. No longer will they see clearly or think rationally.
For most is is a lost cause because repentance is far from their lips!
There is nothing to do but pray for these souls, and for a SPIRIT of turning back to ME. There is still a small door open for them to do so.
Though the corruption is great, I will still hear the cries of the repentant heart. I will never cast them from MY sight, for I am a loving and good GOD, who wishes that none would perish.
Seek this day who you choose -- and make choose carefully because your very life and soul depend on it!
To all those who have stood firm and have not compromised yourselves, I say to you to continue to STAND! (Ephesians 6:14) I will give you the fortitude and the strength to do so!
You are never alone, for I dwell inside through MY SPIRIT. I will direct you, and you will hear MY voice. You will not die a second death, but will be ushered into MY presence when your day comes.
Look straight ahead at ME, and do not veer off the path of LIFE. Let ME be your goal, your destination, your all and all.
Focus your yes up above where I am sitted on the right hand of GOD. Do not let the troubles of this world pull you down or distract you from your mission (Colossians 3:1-4) .....YOU WERE CALLED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! (Esther 4:14)
Guard what we have together. Guard our relationship, and let no man come between us!
I am very jealous of MY own -- MY sheep that were given to ME!
I come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.
Have faith and you will make it to the pearly gates!
I then heard:
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
Speaking of crap going into the Body: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/coffee-just-recalled-because-banned-221804641.html?guccounter=1
Caffeine is demonic: https://youtu.be/FgqAfB1K2eU
Pursue deliverance from this worldwide addiction and all addictions now so that you have an easier time in the Tribulation. Stop wasting your resources on this crap.