The video below is about an ANGEL ENCOUNTER that a pastor had recently. It was sent to me by a dear sister, as a confirmation from my last video about the DESTRUCTION of AMERICAN and a SLIVER OF HOPE.
I pay attention to ANGEL ENCOUNTERS, because I have had quite a few in my lifetime. The ones that have come to me were, what I would call, HELPING ANGELS, because they came at a moment of crisis, or in a time of intense need.
However, the ANGEL encounter in this video is different. I believe it came from a MESSENGER ANGEL straight from heaven, and the LORD JESUS HIMSELF.
In this angel message, the FATHER said:
This is a CONFIRMATION and very similiar to what I personally in the middle of the night on October 13, 2021:
"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" Hebrews 1:14
PLEASE WATCH!! (less than 2 minutes long)
The above video was taken down, less than a day after I posted it here! So, here is another video, that was made in January 2020, about the SAME ANGEL ENCOUNTER:
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[picture credit: pixabay]
God has shown me New York and California will go under
If seem deem false ecstasy nirvana rapture date set or await false fallen angel trumpet signal activation mark beast devolve humans to attack as beasts devour un marked humans. This video message combines both trumpet and seemingly as a person ( John the Baptist ) harbinger announces advent of another person ( Jesus ). Greatest psychological joyfulness was postponed God heeded Jesus, so no trumpet chorus, seems was a fire drill for the rest of us U.S. to a lesser degree reflection genuflection means pray on one knee or for we decide pray on both knees where to build foundations camp sites havens to a safe civilized structures, since seems all other havens Christians doors are closed. Book Angels on…
Dear sister, This message touches my heart so dearly. I have been remembering the Lord Holy days for a couple years now (especially since so much happened on those exact days) and also trying to keep time the Way He set for us. Sabbath this past weekend I observed the day of atonement..poorly I must say. I felt like I struggled all day.. feeling inadequate. Sunday I woke n cried all day. Poured out to God.. Confessed any sin I could think of n interceded in prayer for our leaders n people n Mercy mercy mercy. I was overwhelmed on Sunday n I know in my spirit that He is coming so soon. Blessed be He that comes in the…