I had Another dream about meteorites. I made a audio in .wav format so you can download it and listen to it. I have not been active in spreading info on what iv seen in my dreams, im just in a severe depression gloom state with everything going on. Iv even prayed that if im not doing everything Jesus wants me to and beacuse im feeling like I have not shared the dreams I have had enough and what I have been shown I prayed that all of the gifts he gave me be taken away so I dont abuse them and misuse them or deprive the Holy Spirit... a vary scary prayer I made. well as your reading I did have another dream a couple days after. iv being spiritually attacked 24-7, almost got murdered by a demon I actually saw, burdened? plagued? with visions and dreams like Job explains in the Bible, in fear and trembling of the rapture because "what if I dident do enough while I was here" and everything I thought my Life would be is not and now that the rapture is upon us great gloom and depression has grasped me because im wanting a companionship/marriage that is not going to happen. but at the same time I just want to be i Heaven already with Jesus. last year Jesus showed me through real a life event that im living the life of Job after praying and questioning it because others conformed me to question it. everyone around me has excluded me because I claim that and because of the disbelief about my dreams. even Jobs wife said "why don't you just curse God and die?" that clearly displays that even Jobs wife has abandoned him. thats just the jist of what im going through.