I've been having profound dreams more frequently that seem very significant. I had a dream that there were two Alien Discs hovering vertically, literally not far above the ground, parallel to the back of our house. It was very odd. They were just sitting there in solace waiting. They were about half the height of our two story house. The top was about level to the floor of the back deck. I got the sense that there timing is different then ours. They were just sitting there waiting for something. My sons tried to mess with the air craft by throwing stuff down the opening. It was fairly creepy because I didn't know if that would arouse them to come out.
The night before that I saw a huge fire ball (asteroid) falling in the distant horizon. I had a feeling I would feel it's impact when it hit. But I didn't for some reason.
I'm praying for interpretation.
David, it seems everyday lately, I have been reading about a fireball that has been spotted or has hit the earth. Here is the latest one about one that might have hit a lake in Michigan:
Last week I had a flash dream of looking out my window (which means something prophetic) and I saw a huge crater in my front yard. It reminded me of what it would look like if a meteor had hit.