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Darkness (3 Days of Darkness) // the Blood of JESUS //Today vs. Tomorrow

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

On July 6th, 2020 I was given 3 more 'words' from the LORD:



I saw our LORD JESUS sitting on a bench high on a mountain top over looking the world. At first I could see far into the distance, and received the first part of this message (BEWARE: Mark of the Beast). Then, all of a sudden, I saw the world be enveloped in a great darkness....there were black clouds, storms and lightening filling the sky and earth.

I then heard this:

"The world is about to get very dark. I have been gracious in holding this back, but the time is coming. This gross darkness will bring great evil that has never been seen before.
Do not fear, for I will be with those who are Mine. Prepare your hearts to keep focused on Me during this time. All eyes on Me and you will not succumb to this darkness, but will stand with ME firmly on the ROCK.

Here are the other messages that I have received on the 3 DAYS OF DARKNESS:




In the distance I saw myself standing in front of our LORD being crucified on the cross. As I watched, I noticed that my body turn completely a black silhouette.

I then saw something amazing happening......I saw the BLOOD from JESUS start dripping from the cross and onto the top of my head! Immediately, the black darkness that had overtaken my body disappeared and I became like radiant lilght! I had been transformed from death to life!

The darkness stands my sins, and the BLOOD OF JESUS is the ONLY REMEDY to remove this stain of darkness and make me PURE, RIGHTEOUS and CLEAN so that I can be counted worthy to stand before the FATHER!

I heard this from the LORD:

Wash yourself in MY blood and be purified by it. It is through the blood that there is forgiveness and redemption. Let it wash away your sin and make you white as snow before MY FATHER.

This is what the BLOOD OF JESUS DOES FOR US:

--gives us the BOLDNESS to enter into the presence of GOD (Hebrew 10:14)

--it CRIES OUT CONTINUALLY to GOD in heaven on our behalf (Hebrews 12:24)

--it REDEEMS us out of the hands of the devil (Ephesians 1:7)

--it CLEANSES us continually from all sin (1 John 1:7)

--it JUSTIFIES us as if we had never sinned (Romans 5:9)

--it makes us HOLY and SETS US APART (Hebrews 13:12)

--it SANCTIFIES us (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)



I heard these words of exhortation from the LORD:

Do not put off tomorrow what you should do today! You are not promised tomorrow, do not live in it! Live in the day you have been given and then give me all your tomorrows!!

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

Matthew 6:34






[picture credit:]


5 commentaires

Membre inconnu
12 juil. 2020

Jasher 80:36-40

"And God sent darkness upon Egypt, that the whole land of Egypt and Pathros became dark for three days, so that a man could not see his hand when he lifted it to his mouth. At that time died many of the people of Israel who had rebelled against the Lord and who would not hearken to Moses and Aaron, and believed not in them that God had sent them. And who had said, "We will go forth from Egypt lest we perish with hunger in a desolate wilderness," and who would not hearken to the voice of Moses. And the Lord plagued them in the three days of darkness, and the Israelites buried them in those days,…


Frances McKenzie
Frances McKenzie
12 juil. 2020

11 July 2020

I have been studying the Book of Revelation in an online class with Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. On the day we worked on Chapter 6 Sadhu discussed the breaking of the 6th Seal.

From my notes:

Rev. 6:12 ...sun black as sackcloth of hair...

In a word Sadhu received from Lord Jesus he was told: I will cause a great darkness as it happened in Egypt. This will happen in the days to come in a greater dimension.


Exodus 10: 21-23

21 And Jehovah said unto Moses, Stretch out thy hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. 22 And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was…


12 juil. 2020

LOVED Ones, consider and pray. My Hebrew friend has done a study with me... 77 pages. CALLED: ARISE AND SHINE END TIMES STUDY FOR TRUTH SEEKERS. It will be a book soon. For now it is a PDF DOCUMENT should you want it free. We expect the 3 days of darkness to start 3 days before Passover 2025. This starts the Great Tribulation. At that point of time, we will have been 3.5 years into Tribulation. When the Bride (Expect them to be the 144,000 and only those who have made themselves without spot or blemish, filled with the Holy Spirit and fire) In our expectation; the BRIDE ONLY will be translated (like Philip was) into the wilderness, but hasat…


11 juil. 2020

Lord thank you.

You're all that I need today and you'll take care of my tommorow.

Just today earlier, I was laying down on my mat, then I was lost in thoughts, worries and anxious about my future and how it's going to be, I almost cried out.

Feeling I was done for and nothing good is gonna be for me but...

I then realized myself, that was the Evil one trying to make me feel sorry, Lost or pathetic. So I could go back to my past ways.

And then I realized and repented and put my trust in my Savior.

''And now these words of exhortation from the LORD''

Thank you Lord, and thank you E. Marie.


Membre inconnu
11 juil. 2020

I've been wondering if it will happen in September at turn of Hebrew Year but...Brenda Weltner says a war involving Israel AND the Fallen Angels will happen July 30th or 31st I forget....

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