Here in the USA its becoming the same they implemented the nonsense in NY and now they are saying the FDAis about to approve the Jab as an actual V this week Biden said by Monday which means they can legally implement the same nonsense on us that they doing to y'all
Yes well here they can only implement the shot here in Australia if its under an "declared emergency"they can't mandate it under the constitution laws we have .
People are getting educated a lot more via social media and refuse to take it but many people caved in and got it early because they were bombarded by state and federal government health ministers .
It has caused great division among my husbands family his sisters both getting getting it and we refused .
Also my eldest daughters husband caved in because his boss offered him $100 to get she has been so upset with him and refuses to sleep with him .
That was last Wednesday he came home from work last Friday early said he was stressed but told their son he was "under the weather " a term we use to say not feeling well .They live in south west Sydney which is a hot spot and been in lockdown again till m the 28th August we are blessed to live in a small country town I wondered why God roughs us here 6 years ago .
The worst part of all this is my daughter who is a child care worker had a phone call from her boss letting her know no jab no job .
She is a devoted Christian and won't get the jab please pray for her to stay strong against the pressure from her husband and his family .She is 40 in December and has two boys 11 and 9 .
Here in the USA its becoming the same they implemented the nonsense in NY and now they are saying the FDAis about to approve the Jab as an actual V this week Biden said by Monday which means they can legally implement the same nonsense on us that they doing to y'all