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Elizabeth Marie
Sep 14, 2024
In Connect with One Another
This morning I read a WARNING from Katie T. about North Carolina and the flooding that is coming. This is ALSO, what the LORD showed me years ago.....and I moved out of North Carolina, just like what she did! When you KNOW you hear from the is important to OBEY!
Here is her article:
Here is mine ..... all the way back from 2018:
Elizabeth Marie
Sep 14, 2024
In Connect with One Another
I just came across this post from Katie about 2 areas of safety....and I thought I should post it!
Elizabeth Marie
Nov 25, 2023
In Connect with One Another
Hi everyone!
There is a dear sister in Panama that is looking for someone to connect with.....especially right now with all
the protests. If you know of anyone, please let me know!
Elizabeth Marie
Jul 19, 2023
In Connect with One Another
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you so much for praying for me recently concerning the 'birthing,' and launching of a NEW MINISTRY that the LORD has led me into.
This BLOG includes the outline of this NEW MINISTRY, as well as a MESSAGE that I received from the LORD on 7/10/23 (below).
The last couple months have been an amazing journey so far, as the LORD has been giving me NEW REVELATIONS, a NEW DIRECTION, and a NEW PROJECT. In putting all the 'pieces of the puzzle' together, HE is leading many of us to come together, as in the EARLY CHURCH! This is a continuation of the SAFE HAVENS MISSION, however it has been changed, modified, and updated, to the present times that we are living in.
For many who do not know, back in 2018, the LORD had given me a ‘mantle’ of helping facilitate SAFE HAVENS for HIS people. It was a very exciting time, as many of the havens started developing, and people were ‘waking up,’ as they started preparing for what is coming in the future. I was given many messages, that you can read HERE.
However, after a little over a year, the momentum of the SAFE HAVEN movement started waning, and people started to go back to their everyday lives, thinking they had more time. The SAFE HAVENS, that were set up, suffered many set backs....the main one being that there were NO LABORERS OR WORKERS!
The LORD showed me that this LACK OF LABORERS or WORKERS became the MAIN issue why this SAFE HAVEN movement started ‘dissolving.’ It reminds me of this Scripture:
“Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the LABORERS ARE FEW; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2
Fast forward to today, and many of these Safe Havens have now become either
non-existent, stagnant....or, ‘dormant.
Now, I believe that the LORD is about to ‘STIR THINGS UP,' again in the SPIRIT, so HIS people can become more prepared for what is coming.
Three words that I had been given initially was:
It was my understanding that the LORD is, one again, calling HIS children to re-visit the concept of Safe Havens/Zones, because the times are getting desperate.... and things are NOT going back to the way they once were.
Right now, we are only in the ‘EYE OF THE HURRICANE,' where things are fairly calm....however, soon we will experience the back-side of the storm, which will be far worse!
The LORD showed me that since most did not pay heed back in 2018, that these 'new' havens now will look very different. The 'ABUNDANCE' that was to come originally, will now become 'SUFFICIENCY' instead. This is because we don’t have a lot of time left before BIG changes are coming to society: The Beast system is rising quickly, with its MARK becoming mandatory. Also, on the horizon are pockets of GRID BLACK OUTS, WAR, and a new DIGITAL ECONOMY.
In other words, our time has become ‘limited’ to get our ‘households in order.’
So, recently, after pouring out my heart to the LORD, I received a further understanding....and a NEW DIRECTION to go in! It was as clear as crystal, that HIS work for the SAFE HAVENS were NOT over....but, initially, they will look different. These are the REFUGE ZONES are the ‘shining lights’ that I have seen in dream visions on a map of the U.S.
Now the LORD wants to do a ‘new thing,’ through this ministry, and is calling on those who ‘have ears to hear.'
For now, instead of people ‘moving’ to SAFE HAVENS.....they are now to
‘shelter in place’......unless you clearly hear otherwise from the LORD.
This 'sheltering in place' will include starting SMALL GROUPS within our homes or communities to come together for fellowship, prayer, and service. Where 2 or 3 are gathering in JESUS’s name, HE will be there, and will SUPERNATURALLY MULTIPLY these groups.
These groups are to be set up as COMMUNITY/PRAYER HUBS, with CHRIST as the center. They will function as house churches that come together, intentionally, to help start ALTERNATIVE COMMUNITIES, apart from the Beast System. This will include preparing the BRIDE spiritually for HIS coming, such as PERSECUTION, as well as, learning self-sufficiency, such as homesteading skills.
The goal is to bring UNITY back to the BODY OF CHRIST, through community and prayer, much like the EARLY CHURCH. These groups will become essential in these last days, as persecutions, and restrictions comes.
The model will be similar to what happened with Peter, in the Book of ACTS, when he was was his SMALL GROUP that prayed for him, which released the ANGEL OF THE LORD to go, and free him out of jail supernaturally!
“Peter was therefore kept in prison, but CONSTANT PRAYER WAS OFFERED TO GOD FOR HIM BY THE CHURCH..”
"Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands." Acts 12:5;7
So shall it be again! Miracles are coming through the power of answered prayer! We can, and will make a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the Kingdom, if we would just take the time, like the Early Church did!
These community/prayer hubs will not be on their own, but will be part of the covering of the LATTERRAIN333 Ministry. Though each group will be separate, they will part of a greater whole....the BODY OF CHRIST. This ministry will provide instructions, teachings, updates, prayer topics/requests, meetings, prophetic messages, and more, as the LORD leads.
There is only one thing necessary to join these community/prayer hubs....a WILLING, SERVANT'S HEART, who wants to be a "LABORER" for HIM in these Last Days. If this is you, then please CONTACT me for further information! And start praying for those DIVINE APPOINTMENTS to start manifesting in your life!
To get these COMMUNITY/PRAYER HUBS, started we need:
Remember, that all you need to start a HUB, is two or more people, and the wiliness to get started on this journey.
THE LORD IS CALLING FOR HIS LABORERS TO COME FORTH.... so if you feel that ‘tugging’ from the HOLY SPIRIT, then email me at:
***Please include the word ‘LEADER,’ a brief bio and personal testimony. We will then get back to you in the upcoming weeks with the necessary information and materials.
For those who want to be part of the PRAYER TEAM to help ‘BIRTH,' and ‘SUPPORT,' these Community Hubs, please contact us at:
***Please include the word: 'PRAYER TEAM,' as well as your BIO & Testimony. This is a very important part of the ministry, as we pray for these HUBS to come forth, be fruitful, and multiply!
***PLEASE NOTE that you can SIGN UP for BOTH TEAMS: Leaders & Prayer Warriors!
"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, NOT FORSAKING THE ASSEMBLING OF OURSELVES TOGETHER, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
"Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy,
fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of ONE ACCORD, of one mind." Philippians 1:1-2
On 7/10/2023, received a message from the LORD concerning these COMMUNITY PRAYER HUBS:
"Rise up NOW, oh saints of GOD, and stand firm on the ROCK from which you were hewn from. (Isaiah 51:1) Do not cower, and hide your face in the sand any longer.....but come forth in MY power, and might...taking the weapons of faith that are invisible and mighty!
I call upon you this day to come together in prayer, and unity. Push back this darkness, for the time of the end is not quite yet upon you. There is still more to do in MY KINGDOM by taking back the territory that has been given over to satan.
Take back the lost souls that have fallen so hard into his agenda. Pray for them, love on them, and show them MY WAYS. There are many that are not ‘lost causes,’ but still have a chance for salvation. This is why there is just a little more time bring them into MY kingdom before the door completely closes.
All is not lost....this is a lie from the devil...for he encompasses all lies. There is always HOPE in ME, do not forget that HOPE, and take up your banner, and move forward to victory! The spiritual battle is not lost, as long as MY warriors do not retreat!
I call on MY OWN now to restructure, reorganize, and rethink their position in ME. Be as wise as serpents, and gentle as doves. Use MY wisdom from the HOLY SPIRIT to bring unity, and provision in, and through MY BODY.
Avoid the darkness at all costs. Stop spending, and wasting your time on their schemes of wickedness... and instead come up with solutions for MY people. Alternatives on how to circumvent around the barriers, and hindrances that are coming your way.
Come together, and strategize a way to live in freedom, and not be held captive.
This can only come through prayer....reverent, and intercessory prayer.
This can only come through spending time with ME on your knees.
This can only come through fasting.
Put your playthings away. Do not seek pleasure, but seek ME on these things. Take the time of pleasure, and turn it into times of prayers.....then you will see your breakthrough come!
MY people have been given all power over the enemy, but they have squandered that position, and have given,, and handed to him the upper hand.
SAY NO to all the plans of the wicked.
Start a new thing ....for desperate times call for desperate measures!
Come out of her MY PEOPLE
Come out of Babylon!
Hide under MY wings
Come together in unity for this is where great power lies.
Start intentional prayers together.
Let these cells of lights begin....
focus on walking in the light....
living in the light....
and preparing together for the days ahead!
This is MY call....
Please pay heed....
Knock and the door will open....
Seek, and you will find....when you seek with all your heart, mind & soul!
I waited, and then heard this:
Take the time to be still and hear MY VOICE
Turn off the noises.....the TV’s, computers & you can
hear MY voice!"
Elizabeth Marie
Jul 13, 2023
In Connect with One Another
Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to post a SAFE HAVEN that is now looking for help in rural Washington. She is looking for people to come, and help her on the farm.... as well as help continue her build up this SAFE HAVEN that she has already started.
Here is her description, followed by a short bio that she sent me. Her contact info is at the bottom:
"Are you weary of living under the slavery of a life dedicated to building a corrupt system? Do you feel in your bones that everything is about to go and a longing to be a part of a community to prepare? Has God been telling you that it is time to leave Babylon, disconnect from the matrix and join with others living a faith based life to prepare to help people survive in the last days? Do you have skills like housekeeping, farming, animal care, landscaping, gardening, nursing, medicinal herb making, childcare, canning, cheese making, knitting, wool carding or organizational skills? If so, this may be the place for you.
Hi, I am Colleen, a missionary, special education teacher and evangelist who was miraculously pulled out of a life-crisis leaving me in poverty and given a property of 13 acres as a place of refuge and self-sustainability. I have been working on this property for the past 8 years together with the help of local churches and ministries to create food and resources for people. It went from being a house on a property to a small farm with food options.
Set in rural southwest WA , it features a 3300 square foot house with 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, ample space for 1-2 RV's and an extra bedroom with attached bathroom. It is surrounded by tree farms and 5 acre plots and has resources like a stream fed pond and lake. There is a greenhouse, acreage for crops and raised garden beds, In 2020 chicken coops with turkeys, chickens and ducks were added as well as a small flock of sheep. Local trade options are opening up in the community where grazing land is exchanged for things like animals fresh cow milk.
Though there is a wealth of resources here, I am in great need for visionaries like myself who have skills With the right people, the stream can be stocked with fish, crops for animal and human feed could be put in, rice could be grown and small dwellings could also be added as well as profitable business and trade in the community.. With the right people the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the form of preaching, evangelism, healing prayer and deliverance and resources for the needy could go out on a monthly basis to help people spiritually for Christ's return.
This is who I am looking for- the ones God has told me that He has prepared through His word and dreams and visions to come to my place. I have helped many people on their transition to getting independence. Single moms, abused women, homeless have come through and many have found the helping hand to become more stable. Now, I am in a position of great need for these called out workers as the days of collapse are upon us and I cannot continue to support the ever expanding farm alone. Will you join me? It will be an amazing adventure full of hard work laughter and tears but the door of opportunity is fast closing. John 9:4 We must carry out the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.
"I was raised in a Baptist nondenominational fundamentalist type background and went to Biola University where I got a Bachelor's in Psycholoty and minor in Biblical studies and Cross cultural studies. I had true repentance and conversion experience at age 7 and was baptized by my grandfather who was a pastor and truly mentored me.
While at Biola I taught ESL for migrants, married, and then worked with my husband in homeless ministry. Afterwards, I went to Japan as a missionary for 10 years. During this time, while in an intensive time of prayer, fasting and worship, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, and was given the gift of healing. I then began praying for healing in hospitals and homes.
Many years later, I received another outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and began operating in the gifts again. I realized that the visions I kept having were about a property that He miraculously led me to. HE then pointed me to a Safe Haven ministry.
In the past few years I have been deeply studying his Word in Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic and have begun to realize that the whole Bible is to be followed- not just parts of it and have begun keeping the Sabbath and the feasts mentioned in the Old Testament.
If you would like more information about the haven or feel God is tugging at your heart please contact me at
Elizabeth Marie
Feb 18, 2021
In Connect with One Another
Hi Everyone! A few days ago, I received an email from Ken who has a VERY LARGE SAFE HAVEN in the Ozarks of Arkansas. It is over 3,000 acres. They already have people that have moved there. They are selling the property an acre at a time, or more if you want. You would have to build your own housing....maybe RV's are accepted....I don't know. It definitely sounds very worth checking out, for those who have been told to move or who are looking to move. It is an intentional Christian prepping safe haven. I have not gone there, so I can only give you the info that I've been given and proceed at your own risk. Please do your own research diligently and with the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Elizabeth Marie
Apr 04, 2020
In Connect with One Another
FOR SAFETY PURPOSES, WE MUST ALL USE WISDOM AND DISCRETION BEFORE MEETING UP WITH STRANGERS. LET THE LORD LEAD AND GUIDE YOU THROUGH HIS HOLY SPIRIT! “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16 SAFE HAVEN SEEKERS: Please do your homework before going and visiting any unknown place. Spend time getting to know the people through email (Proton email) and phone. Let all introductory meetings be in a safe public place before going to their homes. Do not go alone and have back-up plan. TO SAFE HAVEN OWNERS: Please use wise protocol in bringing people to your homes! Get to know them first! Use Proton email for communication. Spend time with them in a public setting before you bring them to your place.
Elizabeth Marie
Mar 10, 2020
In Connect with One Another
Hi Everyone! I just want to bring you some information about the Safe Haven that Cindy Lansdale is starting. You can find all of her pertinent information on her YOUTUBE channel: Here is her email:
Elizabeth Marie
Aug 02, 2019
In Connect with One Another
1) Safe Haven Network 2) Another Call to Safe Havens 3) Safe Havens 4) Wilderness: Places of Refuge 5) Safe Havens & Points of Light 6) Safe Havens & Oil in your Lamp 7) Danger, Hate & Safe Havens
Elizabeth Marie
Aug 02, 2019
In Connect with One Another
PLEASE USE GODLY DISCERNMENT FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IN REGARDS TO THE AUTHENTICITY OF THESE MAPS! REMEMBER THAT WE ONLY SEE 'IN PART' NOW! "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known." 1 Corinthians 13:2 POLE SHIFT MAP (starting at minute 24):
Elizabeth Marie
Jul 16, 2019
In Connect with One Another
Hi everyone! Please make sure you drop by my NEW FORUM on prepping! I started it because the LORD keeps giving me messages to be preparing for what is coming..... SO I thought we could all share what we are doing and learning with one another!! See you there!! Blessings, Elizabeth Marie LATTERRAIN PREPPERS HERE!
Elizabeth Marie
Sep 11, 2018
In Connect with One Another
I remember that day very clearly, as all of us probably do! I remember being glued to the TV and being scared. I lived only 30 minutes from the heart of WASHINGTON, D.C., and was worried that we were going to be attacked! However, the LORD gave much wisdom to my husband concerning what had happened, which made me breath a little easier! In stressful situations, he tends to be more level-headed than me! haha! I believe that everything in American changed that day! It was the beginning of the birth-pangs......the first 'shaking' of this nation! Life has definitely changed since -- we have lost so many rights in the name of security, peace and safety. Today is also very significant considering that it is also Rosh Hashana, and even possibly the actual birth-date of JESUS! Please share your thoughts and memories of this day ..... 9/11
Elizabeth Marie
Sep 11, 2018
In Connect with One Another
Today is Rosh Hashana! If any of you celebrate it, please share! Here are some great articles I found about it and the significance of celebrating it as a Christian:
Elizabeth Marie
Sep 10, 2018
In Connect with One Another
I just got back from a trip to Maryland and then saw this Hurricane Florence coming to where I live. Time to start thinking preps in case we lose our electricity! Anyone else in Hurricane Florence's path? If so, what are your plans??
Elizabeth Marie
Sep 06, 2018
In Connect with One Another
Fall is not too far off and it is time to think warm meals again! I just found this soup that looks good......though I haven't tried it yet! Thought I would share it with y'all!!
Elizabeth Marie
Sep 06, 2018
In Connect with One Another
Elizabeth Marie
Sep 06, 2018
In Connect with One Another
Has anyone here been shown by the LORD that they are to move? If so, how is that going for you? Do you have your house on the market or are you about to?
Elizabeth Marie
Sep 06, 2018
In Connect with One Another
I have been veggie gardening on and off for many years now. I am an expert on the basics and easy veggies, but have not ventured into anything too difficult yet! My favorite things to grow are greens.....salad greens, kale, spinach, chard, etc. Squashes are pretty easy as well! I would love to get an inexpensive green house so we could grow during the winter months! One book that I would recommend is 'The Secret Garden of Survival.' I like his ideas about how to grow things in a more 'natural' way, so it is hidden.
Elizabeth Marie
Sep 05, 2018
In Connect with One Another
Hi everyone! Welcome to this forum of getting in touch with like-minded believers in the name of JESUS! The purpose of this forum is to CONNECT with one another in whatever way the LORD leads. It is your platform to talk about whatever is on your mind, as long as it does not go against what the WORD of GOD says! The goal is that the LORD starts connecting HIS people in a more tangible way. I don't believe that the churches are doing their job of uniting HIS people to prepare for these end days. However, HE is raising up a remnant for such a time as this! Feel free to share how you are preparing both physically and spiritually for these last days and the lessons that you are learning! We all can learn from one another! Also, if the LORD leads, connect with one another through either emails, this forum or in person. However, please use discretion, wisdom and prayer with whom you may connect with. If you do meet, please do so in public places. Since safety is paramount, please do not give out any personal information that could be used against you. May the LORD use this forum as HIS children gather together! In HIS Service, Elizabeth Marie
Elizabeth Marie
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